Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Tudorbeth, author of The Hedgewitch’s Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and The Hedgewitch’s Little Book of Seasonal Magic.

Tudorbeth This is a call out to all witches of every level and degree, both new and experienced, to the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, we need to ROAR.

We may come from different traditions; we may have had the opportunities to learn ROAR, but how many have the grace to implement it in their practice and lives?

For those who may not have heard or have been fortunate enough to learn this whilst a neophyte, here is the first lesson, witchcraft 101, the very first decree in the Witch’s Codex:

R – Responsibility
O – Ownership
A – Accountability
R – Respect

Be responsible in all areas of your life, including your magical practice. Take ownership for the things you do and implement. Be accountable for everything including when things go wrong, make amends, apologise, and if you can, rectify the situation, retrace your steps and perform a recall spell. RESPECT everyone including your elders and all those who put their heads on the parapet and speak out or try to teach you something especially if it is new. But above all, RESPECT yourself, and do not perform magic or say words that you would not want to hear said to you.

The very first learn within the Witch’s Codex is that of ethics, and as I look around me and view this explosion of those coming to the Craft, I am both happy but also deeply concerned at the lack of respect for others and themselves. If we do not apply respect to all, we will become nothing more than our enemies, of which we have many, regardless of what others may think, the old enemies are still there in this “new” world. But we if criticise and do not respect each other, we become nothing more than a mob, and we need to be united. Therefore, please remember one another and our ancestors, who died by their thousands, and for those even today who are still persecuted for simply being who they are. It is time to ROAR!

Blessed Be

Our thanks to Tudorbeth for her guest post! For more from Tudorbeth, read her article “Seasonal Changes.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...