Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Leeza Robertson, author of several books and decks, including Tarot Reversals for Beginners, The Mermaid Tarot, and the new Book of Mermaid Magic.

Leeza RobertsonThe call of the mermaids is more than just noise. It is something sacred. The call of the mermaids stirs something inside of us that yearns to be wild, free, and in flow. There is a divine energy that weaves itself through the mermaid pantheon and into the land where you and I experience it. This powerful energy calls to us from thousands of miles, across oceans, seas, lakes, and land. To infuse itself into the wind and water finding us no matter how land locked we may be. This is the collective call of the mermaids and it is asking you to come and play.

The best way I know to acknowledge and accept this energy call, is to build a portal for it to gather, work, and ground. You might know this portal as an altar. Creating your very own mermaid altar is the perfect blend of play and devotion, for not only can you bring fun and whimsy to your altar, but the very act of building and creating it is an offering to the Mermaids.

To create your altar, first you must have an intention. Think about why you want to connect with the magic of the mermaids and in what area of your life you would like their assistance. Once you know what the purpose of this altar will be, write out the intention and make it the first thing you place on your new altar space. This space could be on your night stand, desk, bookshelf, anywhere really.

Next, gather all the other items you wish to add to this space. It might include (but not be limited to):

  • A mermaid; this could be a statue, candle, or oracle cards (something with mermaid images it/them)
  • A cup of water, to allow the power of the mermaids to flow
  • Some salt for protection, which you can add to your water if you would like a more ocean vibe to your altar
  • Some sand or dirt to ground the energy
  • Pictures of people, places, or things that are a part of your intention
  • A candle to light and activate your altar
  • Crystals
  • Money or coins if your intention is about abundance, finances, work, or business
  • Flowers and herbs, making them relate to your intention
  • Incense
  • And anything else you might wish to add

Once your altar is all set up, you will need to activate it. This is what makes your sacred space a portal of magical energy. Activating your altar lets the mermaids know where you want the energy to flow. To activate your mermaid altar, recite the following as you light your candle.

Mermaid Altar Activation Prayer
Mermaids, I hear your call.
I set this altar for you all
With this candle I do light
A spark for you to ignite.
From land to sea let the energy create
This connection and bond I now activate.
Flow your energy into me
And allow my eyes to open and see
The beauty that you offer and share
I know it will be mine if I only dare
Mermaids I hear you
And you hear me.
Once this candle burns out
This spell will be done
But together we will rise
Once more strong.

If it is safe to do so, let your candle burn all the way down. Don’t worry if you have to blow or snuff it out; your altar will be activated and ready for you to continue your journey with the mermaids in whatever devotional way you so choose.

Have fun with the mermaids, and remember: sometimes the guides give us what we need and not what we want. So trust in the gifts, blessings, and teachings these new mermaid guides will bring into your life.

In the immortal words of Dory the fish: “Just keep swimming!”

Our thanks to Leeza for her guest post! For more from Leeza Robertson, read her article, “Cartomancy and Mermaid Magic.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...