Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Charity L. Bedell, author of Container Magic and the new Divine Dirt.

Charity L. BedellDirt magic is one of the oldest forms of magic. Working with dirt magic is a powerful way for us to connect with the power and spirits within the earth as well as the spirit of place. From mountains and forests to malls and amusement parks, you can use dirt to manifest all sorts of different things in your life. Here are 2 luck spells that use two different types of dirt to bring in luck.

Luck Gain Charm
Sometimes our friends can get down on their luck. This charm uses dirt from their home to attract luck to your friend’s life. (Substitute dirt from your home to bring dirt into your own personal life.)


  • Small Bowl
  • Dirt from your friend’s home (Personal Effect)
  • 1 Tablespoon Clover (Good Luck)
  • 1 Tablespoon Basil (Good Luck)
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar (Attraction)
  • 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon (Good Luck)
  • Small Rabbit’s Foot Key Chain (Symbol of luck)
  • Skeleton Key (Opens the way)
  • Pine Essential Oil (Good Luck)
  • Clove Essential Oil (Good Luck)


  1. In the small bowl, mix the dirt, Basil, Cinnamon, and Sugar. While you mix the materials, recite the following mantra 5-7x or until thoroughly mixed: “Lucky day today. Send Luck (your friend’s name) way.”
  2. Anoint the Rabbit’s foot key chain and the skeleton key with the Pine and Clove essential oils.
  3. Place the skeleton key and the Rabbit’s foot key chain in the bowl. Roll both items in the mixture until both items have been covered with the mixture.
  4. Place the Skeleton Key onto the Rabbit’s foot key chain. Hold the charm in your hand and feel an aura of good luck energy pulsating from the key.
  5. Give the charm to your friend the next time you see them and know that you have just opened the way for them to have much better luck.

Luck Boost Charm Bag
Carry this charm with you when you need a boot of luck. Job interviews and playing games of chance are good times to have this charm with you.


  • Gold or yellow drawstring bag or small tie sachet
  • Personal Effect
  • Casino Dirt (For best results use dirt from the casino you are visiting. Any casino dirt will work, though.)
  • Iron Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) (Good luck)
  • 5 Dried Bilberries (Luck)
  • 3 Whole Nutmegs (Luck)
  • Thyme (Good Luck)


  1. Add the personal effect first. As you add the personal effect, state:
    “May today be (target’s name) lucky day. May everything go their way.”
  2. Add the dirt to the charm bag. As you add dirt to the bag, state: “Casino, place of luck and fortune, may good luck be with me soon.”
  3. Place the Iron Pyrite into the bag. As you add the stone, state: “Fool’s gold, Iron Pyrite, I call upon your luck with this rite.”
  4. Add the bilberries to the bag. As you add each berry, state: “Luck for me. Good luck to be.”
  5. Next, place the nutmeg kernels into the bag. As you add each kernel, state: “Nutmeg that’s sweet with you good luck shall I meet.”
  6. Add the thyme to the bag. State: “By the power of this thyme, good luck brings a good time.”
  7. Pull the drawstring closed or tie the bag closed.
  8. Hold the bag between your hands and fondle the bag for a few minutes. Play with it and mix the ingredients in the bag. While you manipulate and play with the bag, feel good luck flowing to you. Know that luck is on your side.
  9. Carry the charm with you while at the casino. If you feel nervous while playing a game, hold the charm and relax. Have fun and enjoy yourself. When you no longer wish to have the luck charm you can dispose of the dirt and herbs within the charm. Cleanse the bag and stone, as they can be used in other magical work.

Our thanks to Charity for her guest post! For more from Charity L. Bedell, read her article, “Dirt Magic & Spirituality: 6 Spells from 3 Locations Using Dirt.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...