Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Lilith Dorsey, author of Water Magic and the new Tarot Every Witch Way.

Lilith DorseyWriting a book about tarot makes you think a lot about the cards. The in and outs and upside downs of each energy, each image, dance through your heart and mind. Part of the process was thinking which cards were my favorite, which ones I always smile when I see. For me this is the High Priestess. I love her so much I decided to write her a poem telling her how I feel.

The High Priestess Just Is
The high priestess is a goddess Isis,
Her sacred reach spans the lofty heavens.

The high priestess is a goddess Astarte,
Her sacred sensuality is the stuff of legend.

The high priestess is a goddess Artemis,
Feral Huntress of the wild.

The high priestess is a goddess Lilith,
Queen of the night who’s love is unleashed in the darkest child.

The high priestess is a goddess Mary Magdalene,
Healing with her unabashed sexuality.

The high priestess is a goddess Pope Joan,
Sacred in her gender-less chastity.

The high priestess is a goddess Santa Muerte,
Death’s dark and bony mistress.

The high priestess is a goddess Sofia,
Who doles out wisdom’s powerful kiss.

The high priestess is a goddess Kali,
Filled with passion and exquisite wrath.

The high priestess is a goddess Persephone,
The underworld was on her per-scripted path.

The high priestess is a goddess Miriam,
In the Bible singing, dancing, and playing the drum.

The high priestess is a goddess Marie Laveau,
New Orleans own Voodoo Queen whose ancestral time has come.

The High Priestess exists behind a veil,
A translucent and silver curtain embroidered with deep burgundy pomegranates.
Where will it take you when you push it to the side,
really feel the weight of it because there’s nothing left to hide.
She gently carries you to a place like nowhere you have been before.
Pack all your hopes and de-stressed dreams, as high magick is in store.

Before you is a study in opposites, in balance, in duality in its greatest form, feel the differences …explore the similarities because the High Priestess just is.

I love the High Priestess in you
I love the High Priestess in me
All the powerful goddesses are here to salute what can and will be.

Our thanks to Lilith for their guest post! For more from Lilith Dorsey, read their article, “How to Create a Full Moon Tarot Altar Every Witch Way.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...