Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Chanda Parkinson, author of Meditations for Psychic Development and the new Meditation and Tarot.

Tarot is the poetry of the Universe. The cards so completely and beautifully capture the essence of what it is to be a human being living through the tremendously complex series of events that unfold over the course of a lifetime. My own personal daily tarot card readings offer a chance for me to remember and reflect upon the fragile beauty of the changes, cycles, and mysteries of this life.

As an introvert, I have sought out ways to connect with tarot that are personal. Over time, I discovered ways to build a foundation of trust with my decks (and yes there are many in my collection, and they are all cherished). Deepening my sense of intimacy with tarot over time, I can say unequivocally the cards are now my counselors, friends, and allies through the chaos of life. While I advocate for the use of free will in all of life’s decision making, there is a special “edge” that tarot can bring life situations that shift perception and offer avenues of thought not previously considered.

As a matter of fact, there aren’t many decisions I make without first drawing cards to ponder my options. As a Gemini Sun/Taurus Moon girl, I love the tangible visuals I can hold in my hands, while the characters seem to jump off the cards into my room offering sobering guidance and wisdom for me to think about. I discovered meditation with tarot to be an exciting if not engaging method for deepening relationships with them.

This meditation exercise offers you the chance to meet your cards and begin relating to them like old friends, building your own sense of trust and intimacy. Try it and let me know what you think!

This is called Joining the Story Meditation. With your chosen tarot deck next to you, settle into a chair and connect with your breath. About five easy, rhythmic breaths in your nose and out your mouth will do. At the same time, draw your energy into yourself in preparation for going on a journey into the tarot.

Next, shuffle your deck, and choose a card at random. Gaze upon the card image, and spend a few moments taking in the scene including all the details. Close your eyes, and imagine you are stepping into the card. Walk around and take in the scenery, as if it has now come to life, and you are able to interact with everything in it. If there are characters in the card, invite a conversation. Ask them how you can best work with them, and if there’s anything they would like you to know. Pay attention to anything you feel, hear, see, or sense.

Come back to your body, open your eyes, and write what you experienced. This is a great way to know the tarot one card at a time.

Our thanks to Chanda for her guest post! For more from Chanda Parkinson, read her article, “3 Tarot Meditations to Support Your Life.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...