Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Lana Gendlin and Karina Muller, authors of the new Pendulums & Intuition.

Lana Gendlin Karina MullerAny divination practice has its benefits for guidance and establishing a deeper connection with self. Using a pendulum in conjunction with tarot cards can enhance your practice and take it to the next level.

A pendulum is a tool that has multiple uses beyond answering “yes” and “no” questions. Using your own energy, pendulums allow you to access what is buried in your subconscious mind in partnership with your divine spiritual team.

Tarot allows you to dive deep into the imagery of the cards to interpret guidance from the Universe and your spiritual team. Using your own intuition and creativity to understand the artistry and symbolism of the cards, you can gain deep insights about how to guide yourself along your journey and most authentic path.

For those of you who already work with both tools, just imagine the power of this combination!

If you’re a Tarot and Pendulum newbie, there are tons of resources out there to help you get started.(Llewellyn’s website alone has a ton of articles, books, decks, and more as you begin!)

To explore all things pendulums, check out our book, Pendulums & Intuition: Practical Advice for Trusting Your Inner Wisdom, which guides you through how to get started with pendulums, how to care for them, and how to apply them to your everyday life.

You can use your trusted amazing guidance assistant, what we refer to as your AGA in our book, a.k.a. your pendulum, to strengthen your intuition and tarot practice, adding an additional layer to your experience. Your readings will be off the charts!

So what are some ways you can use these two beautiful tools together?

  • Picking a deck with which to work: Why not let your pendulum help you pick the most optimal card deck to work with? Hold the pendulum over each deck and ask, “Is this the most optimal deck to work with at this time?”
  • Selecting the most optimal cards: Use your pendulum to allow your divine team to work with your higher self to choose the cards with the messages you need to hear at that time. Narrow down your cards with your pendulum and let the divine do its job.
  • Interpreting the messages: The awareness gained from a tarot spread reading can be infinite. When you need help clarifying the meaning of your cards, receiving confirmation, or getting deeper insights, look no further than your pendulum to ask for help.
  • Determining which cards need further exploration: Sometimes, the interpretation of a given card can stump you. This is a great time to use your pendulum to determine if an additional card or another question is needed.
  • Nailing down which questions are optimal to ask in a reading: Let’s face it, we don’t always ask the right questions or in a way that will result in accurate answers. Ask your trusted AGA to confirm which questions are optimal.
  • Getting you back into a state of relaxation: Pendulums are wonderful tools to help you get into a meditative state since they help put your brain into a relaxed, theta state. If you are having a challenging reading, take a break with your pendulum to consider how you’re feeling and ease anxiety or tension.

It’s often said that two heads are better than one, and using a pendulum joined with tarot is no exception! We encourage you to try it for yourself and see what kind of magic unfolds. Drop us a note and let us know at We love hearing from you!

With gratitude,
Lana and Karina

Our thanks to Lana and Karina for their guest post! For more from Lana Gendlin & Karina Muller, read their article “How to Interpret Signs and Symbols from the Universe With a Pendulum.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...