Brighten Up!
I’ve noticed I’ve spent a lot of energy focusing on the dark dreariness of this month. But why? Lighten up, I tell myself. And what better way than to explore the glittery, glamorous side of life? I think I’ll dive into Tarot Diva and come up with some inspiration for a Midwinter Girls’ Day Tarot Party. I challenge you to do the same!
At the risk at starting WW III, isn’t it almost always Girls’ Tarot Day? In nearly 10 years of attending & teaching classes and meet-ups in the central Ohio area, I can count on 1 hand the number of men I have encountered in the tarot realm. While I tend to scoff at the guys I meet who whine about Wicca being female-dominated, it seems that a special day just for women in tarot seems to be redundant. But then again, if I put out a call for a Guys’ Day in tarot, I’d probably just need to set out a card table, no pun intended…
I don’t see a lot of men responding on this forum…is there something ‘unmanly’ about tarot- are cards not as ‘butch’ as say runes? I’ve never had anybody talk smack about my cartomancy, but I’ve never really thought about the lack of maculine presence until now…I’m interested to hear other readers’ take on this.