Ladies and gentlemen—Llewellyn eShorts are here!
What is an eShort, you ask? These are our bite-sized morsels of information in short, e-book format. All are under 30 pages, and are $1.99 or less.
Want to quickly learn about smudging? There's an eShort for that! (All About Smudging, by Margaret Anna Lembo.) Want to discover how to move objects with your mind? There's an eShort for that, too! (Moving Objects with Your Mind, by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.) Among the eShorts titles currently available are:
All About Smudging, by Margaret Ann Lembo
True Ghostly Tales, by Vivian Campbell
Remembering Past Lives, by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke