Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by M.M. Meleen, co-author of the new Tarot Deciphered.
It's perhaps an esoteric blind that tarot cards are referred to as "majors and "minors"—for it is the tarot minors that express the real power of tarot. The Majors provide the structure of the schema, but the Minors show these archetypal forces in action.
In 2014, I began creating the 36 cards known as the "decanic1" Minor Arcana—the Twos through Tens—for the Tabula Mundi Tarot. (The black-and-white inked art became the Nox et Lux edition2.) By spring 2015 the line drawings had been swiftly completed. From the astral this idea was only waiting to be born: the deck re-envisioned