1. The definition of this expression is often convoluted. Some refer to it as a type of spiritual energy on the
astral plane that controls and molds things there. Others use it to refer to the astral plane itself. In
Theosophy it is considered to be the place where all the energy of the universe is stored while waiting to move into the physical plane. It is also the receptacle for all energies moving out of the physical plane and into the spiritual planes. As such, it can be seen as a record of all things that have taken place on the physical and spiritual planes, also known as the
Akashic Records.
2. The "substance" of the Astral Plane that responds to It is approximately equivalent to Ether, Mana, Vital Fluid, etc. holding the impressions of thought and emotion and feeling, forming memory.
Suggested Reading – Regardie & the Ciceros: The Tree of Life – An Illustrated Study of Magic
AUTHOR: Carl Llewellyn Weschcke