Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

A Charm for the New Year

Bowl of Grapes on a Table

There are a couple of customs from my childhood that still inspire my witchcraft. I was born in Cuba and raised as a Catholic, which means that I was exposed to a lot of practices that surely count as folk magic. One of my favorites happened every New Year's Eve around the dinner table. We would pass a bowl full of grapes around the table, and each person took twelve grapes and put them on a small plate. Then someone, usually my father or mother, would call out the names of the months one by one. This was done slowly, because as each month was called out, we ate a grape to bring sweetness and good fortune for that month in the coming year. I still eat the twelve grapes for the New Year, but with a twist. This is a kitchen witch astrological ritual for good luck and growth.

A Charm for the New Year
You may do this ritual on New Year's Eve or Day, or on the night of the last Full Moon of the year. If it is done New Year's Eve, don’t do it as the clock is approaching midnight or you may find yourself rushing the ritual faster than you can absorb the gifts of the charm. This ritual can be done as a solo or a group ritual. It is a friendly and easy ritual, so if you have non-magickal folks attending your celebrations, they can easily participate.

You will need:

  • A large bowl with twelve grapes for each person and a few extra to be sure.
  • A small bowl or plate for each person.
  • A yellow or white candle in glass or a holder.
  • A small scissors.

Begin by washing the grapes, and think of it as an act of purification. Imagine the water is glowing and carrying away any energetic residues that came home with them from the store. Leave the grapes in the kitchen for the time being. Place the yellow candle in the center of the table around which you will be gathering and light it. Depending upon how much ambient light there is, you may wish to dim or turn off some of the lights. If you are doing this ritual with other people, invite them to join you and stand around the table. Everyone should look at the candle and hail it as if it were a part of the Sun. It is better to use your own words, but here is an example:

Candle bright, emissary of the Sun, through your light the Sun is here.
Hail and welcome!

The bowl of grapes should be brought to the table. The next step is to have the bowl go around the candle to represent the Earth's journey through the twelve months. How you do this is up to your space and the participants. One possibility is to pass the bowl from person to person around the table. Another is to have one person carry the bowl around the perimeter of the people. When it has gone around, say:

Hail the Sun! Hail the New Year!

Now pass the bowl around, and each person takes twelve grapes and puts them on their plate. It is helpful to have scissors available to make it easier to snip off clusters of grapes. Alternatively, you could have one person snipping off the clusters and passing all the plates around to them. The critical part of the ritual at this stage is the conversation and the sharing of hopes for the coming year at the table. This helps raise energy, emotion, and set the intention. When it feels right, move on to the main part of the ritual where the grapes are eaten. If it is a group, do this part as a call and response (one person speaks a line and the others repeat the line). Take your time so that you don't feel rushed. After each line, make sure that there has been enough time to chew and swallow safely. Here's an example of the language that you can use as is or adapt to your needs:

Thank you, Capricorn, for the gift of purpose and planning.
Thank you, Aquarius, for the gift of individuality and friendship.
Thank you, Pisces, for the gift of compassion and intuition.
Thank you, Aries, for the gift of courage and initiative.
Thank you, Taurus, for the gift of practicality and sensuality.
Thank you, Gemini, for the gift of communication and curiosity.
Thank you, Cancer, for the gift of protection and caring.
Thank you, Leo, for the gift of willpower and flair.
Thank you, Virgo, for the gift of discernment and focus.
Thank you, Libra, for the gift of beauty and negotiation.
Thank you, Scorpio, for the gift of passion and transformation.
Thank you, Sagittarius, for the gift of enthusiasm and exploration.

The signs are called in the order that they appear in the calendar year rather than in their astrological order. If you prefer simplicity, you could just name the signs in this order without more words. If you prefer more elaborate rituals, you can add more lines to each call. You could also ask people to share what they are thinking in the pause after eating each set of grapes. After the twelve have been named and the last grape eaten, all present take three deep breaths. Stay silent for a minute or two to let the charm settle into place. Break the silence with a bell, a collective whoop, a drum, or some other sound of celebration.

Here are other options for the ritual:

  • If you are allergic to grapes, substitute another bite-sized food. Perhaps berries, nuts, popcorn, bonbons, etc. If it is something that can't be washed, ring a bell, chant, or purify the food some other way.
  • Dry some of the twigs from the grape clusters and add them into spell jars, pouches, altars, ritual fires, etc. to spread the impact of the charm.
  • If you have enough people, have each sign called by a different person.

This charm lasts for a full turn of the year. Though the gifts of the signs may be somewhat stronger during their season, all twelve help to guide you throughout the year. Happy New Year!

About Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. (Georgetown, DE) has been active in the magickal community since 1978. He is one of the founders of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He serves as one of the ...

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