
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Path to a Goal
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Your Tarot Reading
Eight of Pentacles
Knight of CupsPage of Cups
The StarNine of Pentacles
StrengthTwo of Cups
The SunPage of Wands
Four of SwordsThe Empress
About the Cards in Your Reading
Four of Swords
In the Health position
Four of Swords
Hidden health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: Reprieve. Vigil. Withdrawal and silence. Waiting. Isolation and asylum. Existence taking on a surreal feeling, as if one is veiled from life. A seemingly deathlike sleep phase in life, but a time which incubates future dreams. Exile. A freeze on life protecting one from injury or self-destructive behaviour. Recovery. Convalescence. Keeping hidden. Protection in silence. Possibly being forsaken. Warning that a quest may be endangering one's health. Need for help from others. Hospital stay or finding sanctuary.

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The Empress
In the Health position
The Empress
Visible health; physical and emotional.

Meaning: A kind, capable woman. One who instills confidence in others. A beneficial influence. A strong role model. A woman who promotes and encourages the potential of those around her. A peacemaker and diplomat. An intelligent, calm, mature personality. Determination and dignity. One who teaches by example. A nurturing, considerate person who gives much to the community. Confidence. Empathy. A matriarch. Guidance and support. A mother figure. Security, comfort, and appreciation. Fertility. Personal development.

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The Sun
In the Attitude position
The Sun
Hidden mental attitude.

Meaning: Triumph, success, and security. Growth, well-being, and nourishment. Solutions, faith, and glory. Sincerity in love. Play, vacation, and enjoying the blessings in life without analysis. Being present in the moment. Rejuvenation. Childlike innocence and playful manner. Youth. Trust. Blossoming. Thriving. Enjoying the pleasures of nature. Bounty after trials. Masculine, sexual energy. Summer love, country romance. Bright, warm days. Learning new skills through play. Thanksgiving. Birth of a child. Fame.

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Page of Wands
In the Attitude position
Page of Wands
Visible mental attitude.

Meaning: Arrival of a positive phase. Good news brought by a cheerful friend or ally. Youth, potential, and flexibility. Socializing. Being open to new ideas. Stimulation. Broadening horizons. A true, faithful heart. Play and excitement.

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In the Relationships position
Hidden relationships.

Meaning: Courage. The determination to overcome obstacles. Inner strength. Spiritual strength. Consistent effort. Conviction. Having the strength to persevere. Being able to withstand naysayers and judgments of others and not be deterred. Facing one¹s fears. Being true. Harnessing passions that threaten to overwhelm but may be tamed with compassion and the will to overcome. Faith. Vitality. Ability to endure failures, losses, and disappointment, and yet keep the faith. Tenacity. Energy and intelligence. Work. Activity. Integrity. Focus and discipline. Overcoming. Outlasting competition or conditions. Reason and passion unite to bring strength.

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Two of Cups
In the Relationships position
Two of Cups
Visible relationships.

Meaning: Romance, love, attraction of opposites. Union. Magnetism. Dance of courtship. Entwining energies. Sparks. The flow and grace of a natural match. Forming emotional bonds. Sharing, stability in give and take. Balanced ebb and flow of emotions. Curiosity, affection, and excitement. Most often symbolizes a romantic partnership, but may refer to a friendship or alliance with an emotional component and compatibility of a kindred polarity. Engagement or marriage.

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The Star
In the Career position
The Star
Hidden career.

Meaning: Hope. Inspiration. Guiding star. Moment of grace and peace. Freedom. Early signs of life taking on a new pattern. Freedom after trials. Chance for escape. First sign of dawn. Release. Self-reliance. Clever, inspired ideas. Listening for direction. A quickening. Salvation. Empowerment. Destiny. A time of farseeing. Taking steps to save one's self‹not giving into resignation. Enlightened idea. Planning. Thaw of the ice. Return of life force. Rejuvenation. Drawing strength from nature.

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Nine of Pentacles
In the Career position
Nine of Pentacles
Visible career.

Meaning: Prudence. Assessment. Tallying. Successful handling of a multifaceted venture. Having speculated and been proven right. Planning and diplomacy. Care in choosing friends and confidants. Compassion, patience, and effort to understand others. Foresight and honourable behaviour. Popularity.

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Knight of Cups
In the Spirit position
Knight of Cups
Hidden spiritual path.

Meaning: A romantic man. A considerate, creative, artistic sort. Musician, poet, diplomat. A promising proposal or collaboration. An opportunity to learn via a friend or lover. Broadening horizons. New philosophies. Gifts and romance. Loyalty. Sound, romantic advice. Imagination and empathy. Marriage proposal. Reciprocated love. Traditionally the messenger of true love.

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Page of Cups
In the Spirit position
Page of Cups
Visible spiritual path.

Meaning: Good news. Invitation. A cheerful young person with a trusting heart. Optimism. Romantic interest. Imagination. Playfulness. Artistic abilities. Compassion and understanding. Birth of a child. An accommodating, well-mannered soul.

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Eight of Pentacles
In the Outcome position
Eight of Pentacles
Outcome of the present path.

Meaning: Employment. Commissions. Schedules and deadlines. Focus. Creative work. Skills and talents put to good use. Knowledge and experience. A large project or business running as a welloiled machine. Maturity of business. Accommodation. Achievement. Success. Income. Finding one¹s niche in life.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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