1. Body Language Quick & Easy is your fiftieth book with Llewellyn. From where do you continue to draw your inspiration? I always wanted to be a writer. As a child I had a small weekly newspaper that I used to write and sell to our neighbors. I also wrote short stories that were published in the Children's Page of our daily newspaper. When I left school, I went into publishing, as I thought it would prove useful to me as a writer. I had beginner's luck, as my first book was published by the first publisher to whom I sent it. After that, though, it took more than ten years to get my next book published. I was excited when I had a book accepted by Llewellyn, and immediately started writing another book for them. There was never any intention to get to the magic number of 50. In fact, I had no idea how many books of mine Llewellyn had published until a few years ago, when people started asking me about it. I can assure you, I'm not going to stop at 50! I get my inspiration from a desire to share the things that fascinate me with others. People sometimes tell me that I write books on all sorts of different subjects. That's true, but they all follow a logical progression, at least in my mind. I love writing, especially the process of writing. I get restless if I'm away from my computer too long. I have a long list of topics I'd like to write about, and hope to be writing books for many years to come.
2. Was there anything specific that prompted Body Language Quick & Easy?
3. As you just alluded to, Body Language Quick & Easy is a companion to your earlier Face Reading Quick & Easy. What advantages do we have once we are able to read the language of facial expressions and body language?
4. Is there a "learning curve," so to speak, in becoming able to read the features and poses of others?
5. You have a long history of experience with other psychic subjects (such as angels, hypnosis, etc.). Is there any sort of psychic component to interpreting body language?
6. What do you hope readers will take away from Body Language Quick & Easy? |
Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...