
An Interview with Maria Shaw

1. When did you start writing and why?

I have always loved to write. I remember getting poems and stories published when I was in second grade. I started as a columnist for my weekly newspaper when I was fifteen, writing about local events in our community. Then I became a freelancer for the daily newspaper and eventually got my degree in journalism from Central Michigan University. Writing makes me happy. I love to be creative. Writing is a way to express yourself and share your thoughts and ideas with others.

2. How did you get involved with astrology ?

I met my birth mother at age twenty-three (I’m adopted). She was an astrologer and told me I was very intuitive. I was always interested in getting readings but never considered myself to be psychic . Just by hanging out with my mother and her astrology friends, I learned so much.

Professionally, I got started when the radio station I was working for burned down. That fire was no accident. Not in my life anyway! It was a catalyst for change. I started hanging up flyers all over town advertising for readings. Calls came in for house parties and soon I was building up a client base. I started putting on psychic fun fairs in Michigan and crowds of people would come. I believe when you’re on the right path, doors will open easily for you. Now I’m doing national tours and appearing on radio and television all over the country. I believe all things happen for a reason. My chart even shows that I’m supposed to be an astrologer, a writer, and a teacher.

3. Your previous books have dealt with mostly adult topics such as soul mates and relationships. What made you decide to write a teen book? Do you feel a special connection in relating to teens?

Yes, I do. I have a preteen and a teenage daughter. There is not enough spiritual information available to this age group yet. My kids and their friends are always asking about reincarnation or crystals and such. I see more and more kids coming to my seminars and book signings with their parents. They have this hunger to learn as much as they can. It’s interesting though, they don’t want to know just what’s happening in their future; they want to understand their true spiritual purpose for being here on earth. I feel that some of the info out there today is not in a teen’s best interest or it can be negative, so I am hoping Star Gazer will give teens an opportunity to gain more positive knowledge about themselves and other New Age topics. Star Gazer is written with my kids in mind. It’s information I feel comfortable sharing with this age group, and I hope to fill a void in the teen market.

4. How is your writing process different for a teen title compared to writing an adult title?

Writing for teens is pure fun. It’s much more conversational but not any easier than writing for adults. Teens sometimes ask more questions than adults. They won’t accept just any statement as truth just because it’s in a book, magazine, or on the TV news; they want facts and examples. It’s more of a challenge to write for the teen market, but very fulfilling. As a writer, you must think back to that age and the kinds of things you wanted to know more about.

5. Can you share how the book will be helpful to teens on a daily basis?

We all face spiritual and moral challenges every day. Everyone has dilemmas or problems they must deal with. I’m hoping teenagers will use this book as a guide to help them make good decisions and act responsibly. The book also gives them the opportunity to look at life from a spiritual perspective and lets them know that there is a higher power source they can tap into for help.

6. Star Gazer introduces a variety of New Age topics to teens (palmistry, astrology, numerology, etc.). Why is it important to touch on so many different topics rather than to go in-depth on a few, and do you have a favorite technique? “As that

Because Star Gazer is a beginner’s guide, I wanted wanted to touch on several topics so the readers can get a general feel for all that’s out there. They can utilize all of the techniques and see how they interact with one another. For example, in the tarot you will find astrology and numerology applications. All of the New Age arts complement one another in some way. The reader can also try out these options and choose their favorite technique. Personally, I love reading astrology charts. The charts can really pinpoint things quickly and provide timelines for when things are likely to happen. The tarot is more mystical, and I also find that appealing.

7. Which of the techniques do you think is most useful for teens?

Developing their intuition. We all have this gift, but many don’t realize it, or fail to use it. The more we use it, the more our psychic ability grows. You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach just before something big happens? That’s your intuition sending you signals. Many of us think of someone and then they call a minutes later…that’s your intuition work, too. We often second guess what we’re feeling. Once we learn to trust our intuition, we can tap into a greater power and literally change our lives.

8. Why do you think that teens have a natural curiosity about their futures?

Everyone is interested in themselves, it’s human nature. Teens definitely want to know about their love life and their friends—that’s where they’re at in life. The future gives us hope. It’s something to look forward to and to think about.

9. Do you think teens are mature enough to use these techniques responsibly?

Yes. I think we need to give them more credit. It’s not the chronological age we should look at but the age of the soul. Many kids today are far more advanced than adults when it comes to spirituality. If the material is written in a positive, enlightening way, teens will respond. I would not write a book that had any negative connotations or uses in it. That would be bad karma on my part.

10. What can teens learn about themselves from their sun signs and birth charts?

Think of a birth chart as a map of your life, but you’re in the driver’s seat of the car. The chart can show what your life purpose is, who you’ve had past life connections with, when you’re likely to get married, etc. It can give you an idea of what types of skills and talents you possess and any bad habits you have to watch out for. The nice thing about astrology is it can pin- point times for things to happen, like opportunity periods for growth and expansion. It can also show challenging cycles. I always say forewarned is forearmed! If teens learn to use astrology as a tool and understand how it works, they will find their life can be a superhighway.

11. What is your next project?

I’m working on a teen tarot kit complete with a deck and a step-by-step guide to understanding the tarot. I touch on this a bit in Star Gazer, but if teens want a more in-depth look at this ancient art, my upcoming kit will include everything. After that I’m continuing to write a series of books for the teen market. Some of the topics include past lives, crystals, meditations, spirit guides, and astrology. I have lots of ideas. It is my hope that Star Gazer will be a tool that teens will use to learn more about their spiritual gifts and nature. By understanding more of who they are, they can open themselves up to the many opportunities the world has to offer. A higher power exists in each and every one of us. I hope that teens will seize that power and make their dreams come true!


About Maria Shaw

Maria Shaw (Michigan) is a professional astrologer, intuitive, and author. She is the host of the bi-monthly radio show, "Affairs of the Heart," on Citadel's WIOG 102.5FM in Michigan and has appeared on such shows as VH-1 ...

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