
An Interview with Tisha Morris

1. How did you go from practicing law to becoming a feng shui practitioner?

It only took a couple days of practicing law to know that it wasn't for me. However, it took me many years to figure out what was. While practicing law, I obtained a Fine Arts degree in Interior Design because I have always loved the home and have an innate sense of decorating. Soon afterwards, I delved into yoga and became a yoga instructor. Yoga was my bridge into a new world of energy and the healing arts. From there, I became an energy healer. It occurred to me that spaces need healing just like our body. That's when I started combining my interior design background with energy healing. I soon realized that people have been doing this for thousands of years—it's called Feng Shui!

2. What inspired you to write your book, Mind, Body, Home?

 The idea for this book came from a house that I purchased in 2006; it was a Spanish bungalow that needed a complete renovation. It was not coincidental that I had just ended a relationship and was needing my own personal renovation. As I made changes to this house, correlating aspects were taking place within myself—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I realized just how interrelated our energy is with our home. I knew this needed to be a book one day. It was clear that our home is an underutilized healing modality. And so I journaled the process and discoveries along the way.

3. What do you mean when you refer to the "Mind-Body-Home connection?"

Second only to our skin, our home is our protective layer in the physical world. It houses our emotions, our vulnerabilities, our memories, our dreams, and our secrets. It is an energetic extension of ourselves—physically, mentally, and emotionally. And as we make changes to our home, correlating aspects will take place in our selves and our lives.

4. You talk a lot about the energy, or the soul, of a home. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Each house is a living body within itself. Starting with the blueprint, it has its own energy separate from its occupants. It has its own personality, its own history, and its own patterns. And therefore our lives are affected and shaped in some way by the spaces in which we live. Just like people, there are aspects of a home we can influence and try to change, but only to a certain degree. When we move into a space, we are entering into a relationship with that space.

5. Why is it important that we know the history of a house before purchasing it or moving in?

Just like entering into a relationship with a person, they have been influenced by their past and may even come with some skeletons in the closet. With spaces, we call this predecessor energy. Patterns get set in spaces from previous owners. You've probably known a house, perhaps in your neighborhood, that is constantly back on the market, or a house where everyone who lives there gets a divorce. Unless the space is adequately cleared, you don't want to take on the energy of previous owners!

6. What exactly is feng shui, and how can the average person apply it in their home?

Feng Shui is a vast art and science, and there are so many aspects to it. But at the end of the day, it's about creating a supportive environment. Our home should support us, not challenge us. It's about loving every square inch of your home.

7. How does clearing clutter relate to feng shui?

Clutter is newer facet of feng shui, as "stuff" has become a major part of our material world in the last century. It's also become, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of feng shui. Clutter is the ultimate stagnant energy. It is the antithesis of what we would consider "good feng shui." It's the first place to start in feng shui. Clearing clutter will quickly shift energy in your home and in your life because you are clearing out what no longer serves you to create space of what will.

8. Why do we have such a tough time clearing clutter?

Our "stuff" is closely connected to our emotions. Our things are like memory keepers. And the harder time we have letting go of emotions, the harder time we will have letting go of things. This is why clearing clutter is such a powerful energy shifter. It is, in effect, energy healing. As we clear clutter out of our closet, we are releasing emotional clutter from our body.

9. The second half of Mind, Body, Home breaks the house down into its many components and correlates each part with a mental, emotional, or physical aspect of its occupants. Can you talk more about this?

Our house is constantly sending us messages. Just like our body is sending us messages in the form of aches, pains, and random accidents, our home does so as well. Our subconscious mind is always seeking outward manifestation in the physical world. This is oftentimes what are dreams are—symbols sending us messages. These signs and symbols are part of our collective conscious and communicated to us everyday, through everyday signs, dreams, our body, and our home. Each component of the house has a correlating aspect with our physical, mental, or emotional bodies.

10. Can Mind, Body, Home help businesses as well, or does it just apply to our homes?

Definitely. We are not as intimately connected to public spaces as we are with our homes, but the same principles apply. Offices most directly relate to our work and career, so if you are looking to make changes in that area of your life, then making changes in your workspace is a great place to start! The same is true for businesses seeking more clients, traffic, revenue, employee retention, or whatever may be challenging the business.

11. How do you hope your book helps readers?

By becoming more conscious of our living spaces, we become more conscious in all areas of our life. Our home is a healing modality right under our nose that can be utilized just like acupuncture, yoga, or other alternative healing modalities. After all, home is where the heart is!

About Tisha Morris

Tisha Morris (Los Angeles, CA) is a feng shui expert, attorney, book coach, publishing consultant, and self-help author who has been featured on ABC’s Live with Kelly and Ryan, Hay House Radio podcast, Today.com, ...

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