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The Astral Telepathy System

Introduction. Central to the Astral Telepathy System (ATS) is the Astral Blue Beltway, a fluid stream of psychic energy used to convey telepathic messages. Blue imagery has long been associated with psychic activity and is often described as similar to the blue flame of an alcohol lamp or the blue of electric sparks. In controlled laboratory settings, senders and receivers who envisioned blue, such as a pale blue moon on which the psychic message appeared, or a blue sky against which clouds formed the psychic communication, consistently performed at a superior level. Imagery of blue may have literally accessed the Astral Blue Beltway that, in turn, channeled the message to the designated receiver. When introduced during the Out-of-Body state, blue imagery, such as a blue mist enveloping the astral body, effectively engages the Astral Blue Beltway as a dynamic communication system with unprecedented accuracy. ATS consists of nine essential steps. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Before entering the Out-of-Body state, formulate your telepathic message in ways that use both language and symbols. Symbols are important in telepathy because they condense the message into a form easily envisioned and projected to the target receiver. Familiar symbols are particularly effective: Imagery of a dove can be used to transport a message of peace; Imagery of a heart superimposed with the word love can be used to communicate the message, "I love you;" Imagery of colorful balloons with words such as happiness, blessings, and congratulations are likewise effective. Although symbols are highly useful in opening psychic channels and conveying simple messages in condensed form, complex psychic sending and receiving interactions usually require more advanced procedures with the capacity to amplify and personalize messages beyond the limited meanings of a single word or a selected symbol.

Step 2. Having formulated your ATS objectives, find a comfortable, quiet place and allow yourself about thirty minutes for the session. Loosen any tight-fitting clothing and lie down on a bed or couch. Slow your breathing and scan your body from your forehead to your feet, releasing all tension until your body is fully relaxed. Tell yourself: "Time is slowing down. I have plenty of time to relax."

Step 3. With your body now completely relaxed, affirm: "I am protected and secure as I prepare to leave my body." Envision your body at rest, surrounded by a glowing aura of empowering cosmic energy. Continue to envision your biological body at rest until you become aware of your presence outside your body. This is typically a gradual process that requires only a few moments.

Step 4. Once you are aware of the Out-of-Body state, view your physical body at rest, enveloped in the protective glow of cosmic energy. Then mentally envelop your astral body in radiant blue light and affirm:

"I am surrounded by the positive energies of the universe. My innermost being and the highest powers of the cosmos are now poised to merge in a powerful interaction. I am now at my peak of psychic empowerment. As I remain out-of-body, my telepathic faculties are fully liberated. I am empowered to end the Out-of-Body state and freely re-engage my physical body at any moment through mere intent alone."

Step 5. As you continue the Out-of-Body state, review your previously formulated telepathic message, giving particular attention to both language and symbols.

Step 6. Focus your attention on your telepathic receiver, and momentarily, you will notice the Astral Blue Beltway, a soft blue stream of energy connecting you to your target. Release your telepathic thoughts and images, and let them flow freely on the blue beltway. Envision them as they travel the beltway. Allow adequate time for the psychic messages to reach their designated target, keeping your psychic sending and receiving channels open until the psychic process runs its course.

Step 7. Close down the process by turning your attention to your biological body at rest, then giving yourself permission to re-engage it.

Step 8. Upon re-engagement, briefly note any physical sensations, such as the position or weight of your body.

Step 9. Conclude the procedure with a quiet period of reflection, followed by the simple affirmation: I am empowered and fully infused with the highest energies of the universe.

Summary of Purpose & Benefits: to develop and deliver a clear message from projector to receiver, including both the physically incarnated and astral intelligences and guides.

See also:  Astral Telepathy
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