Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Articles by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

The word alchemy is an Arabic term comprised of the article "al" and the noun "khemi." The later word relates to "Khem" the Coptic name of Egypt. Alchemy thus means, "that which pertains to Egypt." Thus the words alchemy and chemistry are a reminder of the scientific legacy of Egypt. Another
See also: Golden Dawn
The astral plane is a level of reality that is higher than the physical world, but lower than the divine or spiritual world. It is a place that is in-between. This realm is the invisible blueprint that lies behind all physical forms. All things manifest in the astral world before they manifest in
See also: Golden Dawn
Astrology is a science that examines the action of celestial bodies upon all living beings, non-living objects, and earthly conditions, as well as their reactions to such influences. The study of the stars is one of the oldest sciences known to humankind, tracing its origins back to ancient Sumer
See also: Golden Dawn
The word divination is based on a Latin word that means "the faculty of foreseeing." The word comes from the Latin word for "divine power," or "of the gods." This indicates that the true meaning of the word divination is "to make divine." Far from being a superstitious practice, the art of
See also: Golden Dawn
Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex and beautiful balance of monotheism and polytheism, along with a good dose of pure magic. For the Egyptians there was no such thing as a separation between magic and religion. One ancient writer, Clement of Alexandria, said that "Egypt was the mother of
See also: Golden Dawn
The Enochian system originated with the ceremonial skrying of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly toward the end of the sixteenth century in England. Dr. Dee was one of the foremost thinkers of his time??"a Hermetic philosopher/magician who was also a respected scientist, mathematician, and astronomer.
See also: Golden Dawn
The Enochian system originated with the ceremonial skrying of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly toward the end of the sixteenth century in England. Dr. Dee was one of the foremost thinkers of his time??"a Hermetic philosopher/magician who was also a respected scientist, mathematician, and astronomer.
See also: Enochian Magick
The goal of the Golden Dawn has always been the continued preservation of the magical tradition. It is the teaching of new initiates, and their continued spiritual growth. This spiritual endeavor has been referred to as the "search for the Quintessence, the Stone of the Philosophers, True Wisdom,
See also: Golden Dawn
Cicero, Chic and Cicero, Sandra Tabatha. Creating Magical Tools: The Magician’s Craft. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1999. ____________. Experiencing the Kabbalah: A Simple Guide to Spiritual Wholeness. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1997. ____________. The Golden Dawn
See also: Golden Dawn
1887   Westcott decodes the Cipher Manuscript. He asks Mathers and Woodman to join him in setting up the new Order. March 1, 1888 Isis-Urania Temple #3 is chartered. Westcott, Woodman, and Mathers are the Three Chiefs. Mina Bergson (Moina Mathers) is the 1st initiate. (The numbering system marks
See also: Golden Dawn
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Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards! The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...
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