2. Also known as Ajna in Sanskrit. The sixth psychic center, the "third eye" chakra, located at the brow. Associated with the color indigo, the Moon, the Sephiroth Chokmah & Binah. The primary means for clairvoyance and other psychic faculties.
Brow Chakra (Ajna) Correspondences
Alchemical Planet: Moon
Alchemical Element: Silver
Animal: Owl
Basic Drive: transcendence
Tattva: Manas (Mind)
Tattva Sense: Mind
Tattva Form: Winged globe
Tattva Color: Half, rose with yellow;
Chakra Color: Indigo Half, with purplish blue
Body Function: sight, consciousness
Element: Light, Mind
Gemstone: Quartz, Lapis lazuli
Gland: Pituitary
Goddess-form: Egyptian: Isis
Hindu: Hakini 2
God-form: Greek: Apollo
Hindu: Shiva-Shakti1
Incense: Saffron, mugwort
Location: Brow
Order of chakra unfoldment: 6th
Part of Body: Eyes
Sense: Mind, awareness
Yogic Planet: Moon
Psychic Power: clairvoyance, pre-cognition, remote viewing, aura reading
Seed Syllable/Number: AuM (0)
Psychological Attribute: Logical thinking
Sense: Awareness
Spinal Joint: 32nd
Spinal Location: 1st Cervical
Tarot Key: II, High Priestess
Tree of Life Sephirah: Chokmah & Binah
1 Male & female in union
2 Insight