2. The transcendent spiritual self that mediates between the Divine Self and the Lower Personality and serves as guardian and guide. The term was used by Abramelin the Mage as the focus of the magical operation known as "the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel." The HGA is also called the Higher Self, known also as the Augoeides of Iamblichus’ system, the All-Knower, the Divine Genius of the Golden Dawn, the Atman of Hinduism the True Ruler, Adonai, the Indwelling Spirit, etc. Carl Jung calls it his Daemon (not demon!) as did the Greeks.
Contact between the Higher, Divine Self, and the Lower Self/Personality, has to be initiated by the Personality, and then is experienced as a separate being. That contact is the first step in the Great Work (also known as the Knowledge and Convfersation) that leads to integration, and thus to Initiation. This is the discovery of one’s True Will.