Neptune is in its rulership in
Pisces. All that is glamorous, mystical, metaphysical, and inspirational participates in the energy reflected by Neptune in your
chart. Like
Uranus and
Pluto, Neptune remains in one sign for many years, so your friends all share a similar grasp of Neptune’s energy. The
house placement and the aspects to Neptune color your sensitivity in a more personal way.
What you consume is what you are on the physical plane. The placement of Neptune indicates how you assimilate food, drink, medications, and other drugs. It shows your tolerance for foods and other substances, and indicates where your physical system can get out of balance most easily. Therefore, Neptune indicates an area where care can prevent or lessen harm.
Confusion and deception are part of the Neptune picture. Vagueness and glamour can be part of fraudulent activity, or they can be the essence of entertainment. Magic shows are all about deceiving our senses in order to surprise and entertain us. Neptune’s placement shows your level of susceptibility to deceit and your level of ability as well.
Imagination is part of Neptune’s realm. Your creative style depends on the ability to use your feelings and intellect to make something new and different. Problem-solving means imagining solutions and then trying them on for size mentally before rushing into action. Dreams are a function of this energy, and Neptune’s placement can show a lot about the nature of your dreams and their role in your life.
Spirituality is a significant part of human life. Neptune speaks to this area by showing you what area of your life needs a spiritual boost. It also show you what career or other activity will satisfy your inner spiritual yearning. Neptune’s movement through your chart will indicate times when spiritual measures are called for.
Psychic impressionability is in Neptune’s realm. Your ability to tune in to others can be defined by examining Neptune in your chart. Your best path to psychic development may be described by Neptune’s placement and aspects.
SOURCE: What Astrology Can Do for You, Stephanie Clement