Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Pisces

1.  The best quality of Pisces is sympathy. The worst quality is hypersensitivity. A key phrase is “I believe.” The Pisces personality is dreamy and idealistic. You like to float in an ocean of sensitivity, relating to your own feelings and the feelings of others in a direct way. You are the classic romantics, wanting to indulge the senses. You sometimes appear to be vague.

Mentally Pisceans are prudent people, balancing the emotional side with the capacity to worry about details. Because your strength lies in the feeling realm, you may feel inferior in the mental realm. It is important to remember that the capacity for sound judgment lies as much in feelings as in logic. Pisces uses psychic senses to make decisions, and may need to learn how to back up these impressions with facts.

Pisces mirrors the environment.You can appear very different in different situations, and you can be responsive to the needs of others. More than that, you can inspire other people through your own emotional strength. You may be able to see into the future, but this very ability takes you out of the present, and therefore may keep you from completing projects.

Pisces is a peaceful sign. You often are retiring, preferring to be on the edge of things watching than to be in the middle of the action. You tend to worry and may feel slighted by others. You believe what you feel.

The great strength of Pisces lies in the ability to respond in two worlds—the world of practical social dealings and the internal world of mystical experience. You may need to develop the strengths of planets in other signs to get you around in the day-to-day world, but you are well-equipped to understand the realm of spirit. Your adaptability usually gets you what you need on the material side, even while you have your minds on Utopian quests. Compassion can be one of your strongest qualities.
SOURCE:  What Astrology Can Do for You, Stephanie Clement
2.  The Visionary
Key Phrase: I BELIEVE

The most sensitive sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents imagination, idealism, and compassion. As the Mutable Water sign, Pisces can show exceptional flexibility, but can also be unfocused and uncommitted. Pisces tends toward the visionary, psychic, and poetic aspects of life, and has qualities of the mystical. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces can also be the escapist, and may relish the roles of victim, martyr, and/or rescuer. Symbolized by two Fish tied together and swimming in opposite directions, Pisces can likewise spend a lot of time going in circles, feeling confused. But its positive expressions of empathy and tenderheartedness turn our attention to the plight of humanity and the fact that we are all one. Pisces can transcend the trap of co-dependency through quiet awareness of the inner self. Where this sign resides in your chart lies your need for imagination and vision.
SOURCE:  The Truth About Astrology, Gloria Star
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