Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Unicorn Imagery in Magical Practice

Items on Granite

The unicorn is one of the most famous and endearing of mystical creatures associated with fantasy, mythology, and magic. Images of the unicorn have fascinated people all over the world for centuries. Such a powerful and easily recognized symbol can have an important place in magical practice.

Symbols are integral to our lives, especially for magic and visualization. Often the success of a spell relies heavily on the symbolism that is chosen and how deeply it affects the user. Many people are drawn to magical creatures and have an affinity for certain ones, collecting various images of that particular creature. Since unicorns are among the most popular, here are some ways you can incorporate unicorn symbolism into magical practice. Even if you have never been particularly fascinated with magical creatures, getting to know them by investigating their characteristics can add a new dimension to your personal power.

irst, consider what the creature symbolizes to you. Unicorns have many standard associations, but we can build on this by adding our own personal characteristics or feelings. For example, I first fell in love with unicorns as a child, so to me they represent not merely innocence, but a playfulness and lightness of spirit, a carefree time. As I grew older, that sense of joy and happiness was tinged with the melancholy moments of adolescence and the unicorn matured with me to become an escape from the sometimes painful events of growing up. But more than anything else, I associate the unicorn with imagination and purity—and the beautiful free spirit we need to recapture to avoid becoming jaded by the sometimes harsh realities of life. In short, the unicorn is hope and possibility.

But you may have different associations and feelings when you look at an image of the unicorn. That's fine—the point is to use the symbolism for something meaningful to you and to focus on these feelings in your magical practice. Unicorn imagery can be used in spells for healing, peace, comfort, and inspiration. Still others may associate the unicorn with love, or to some they may represent bravery or strength. Choose what the unicorn means to you and incorporate that image into your spells and meditations.

Begin by collecting a variety of images. Or, if you already have a substantial collection, take inventory to see what you have and think of ways you can use them. These items may be statues, drawings, jewelry, clothing, or anything else you can find.

The most basic way to get started is to place a unicorn statue or other type of image on your altar or use it to represent deity. Unicorns have a long history of being associated with spirituality. And of course, statues and images can be placed in other special places in your living and working environment. Wear unicorn jewelry when you need to get in touch with the qualities the unicorn possesses. Place drawings where they can remind you of your goal.

You can anoint statues for special purposes to be placed around your home, in various rooms or outside. This would be ideal for a protection spell. I have a unicorn in almost every room of my house. They're usually tucked away in a subtle location, but they're present to remind me of my goal of keeping a youthful spirit and remembering the time when I felt that first touch of magic. There are other countless ways to incorporate unicorn imagery into your magical practice. Because of the healing associations with the horn, a unicorn image would be excellent in a healing spell or one simply for general health and well-being. Unicorns are often symbols of vitality and strength. You can also create a unicorn altar with different styles of statues to represent each element. Imagine different encounters with the unicorn for whatever needs you have. If you feel the need for comfort or healing, visualize yourself being healed by the unicorn. Create a detailed scene in your mind and make it as vivid as possible. For strength and confidence, visualize yourself as a unicorn or try a visualization of yourself riding a unicorn to create a feeling of freedom or to relieve stress.

Read about unicorns—history, legends and stories for inspiration. Create unicorn art; even if you don't have a talent for drawing or painting you can create collages of unicorn images or try sculpting with clay. Write some unicorns stories and poems of your own—create your own myths. If you have children, ask for their help and create a story together.

Cultures all over the world have claimed unicorn stories and legends of some kind. This creature is popular for a reason—it speaks to us on a symbolic level that can be very powerful. Tap into that power by discovering, or rediscovering, what the unicorn means to you.

The Secret of Life Unicorn Spell
Did you ever meet someone, an elder perhaps, someone wise and calm, joyful and seemingly ageless, who seems to possess a deep inner peace? Someone who seems to have lived forever, seen everything and has the answers and advice to help us with all our problems? If we don't know someone like this, we wish we did, or we long for these qualities in ourselves—the patience and understanding to overcome any obstacle and the ability to learn from our challenges, while keeping a youthful glow and enjoying each day, and finding beauty in everything and everyone around us. Sounds impossible, right? We often attribute these characteristics to fantasy figures. But there truly are people who live this way, yet if we don't personally know any of them, it seems like fantasy. So, let's use fantasy as a bridge to reality, through the magic of the unicorn. Legends of the unicorn speak of them as wise and immortal creatures. This spell is for the unicorn to help us age gracefully with a youthful carefree spirit. This is for people of any age, to ensure the lively and energetic qualities of vitality and joy and, in addition, to help us learn patience and gain wisdom.

You will need: a unicorn statue of any size or color, a piece of white ribbon, and essential oil or other fragrance blend of your choice. Use your intuition when selecting the oil or blend of oils. Choose a scent that uplifts you and makes you feel cheerful or one you associate with happy memories. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil on the ribbon.

Visualize the unicorn, a wise and experienced sage. She has lived forever and endured many challenges with grace, and now she is bestowing her magic upon you. Make this visualization as detailed as you desire. If this proves difficult, suspend your disbelief; pretend you are a child again. You meet a unicorn in the wild. Because you carry the white ribbon, the unicorn knows you are a kindred spirit. This ribbon is your link to the unicorn. You drape it around the unicorn's neck and the two of you walk as companions through the forest. The unicorn confers wisdom upon you. This special wisdom contains the secrets for a happy life, whatever that may be for you.

Tie the ribbon around the statue. This is symbolic of your meeting with the unicorn and your initiation into her mysteries. The secrets will unfold throughout your life as you need them. One of the ways your higher spirit can help you discover what you need is through the use of symbols; the symbol of the unicorn can be a gentle and inspiring teacher and guide.

Speak this chant as you tie the ribbon:

Unicorn of legend, Unicorn of myth,
May your youthfulness and spirit stay with me.
Unicorn of mystery, Unicorn of magic,
May your endurance always offer possibility.
Unicorn of purity, Unicorn of power,
May your strength be at my side in every way.
Unicorn of inspiration, Unicorn of peace,
May your gentleness and grace bless all my days.
About Ember Grant

Ember Grant is a full-time English professor and teaches writing, poetry, and literature. She has been writing for Llewellyn for more than twenty years and is the author of numerous articles and four books: Mythology for a ...

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