Posted Under Astral Projection

Finding Your Akashic Records

Power in Hands

No matter how hard you try to make your mind a blank, you are going to find that you have a lot of preconceived ideas about how the place where your Akashic Records are kept is going to look, as well as by which method or methods you are going to view them. There's nothing wrong with this; in fact, it's a helpful tool for getting you there the first time. After that, don't be surprised if the place and methods change or vary a great deal.

After you are used to astral projecting, you will be able to get to your records at any time during a projection. If you suddenly feel the need to take a look, moving yourself at will through the astral will be easy. As a beginner you might find it easier to astral project solely with this intent, conditioning your mind to this goal. To do this, as you start your astral projection process, keep in mind the ultimate goal of viewing your Akashic Records. You can do this with visualization or with a chant, or both if it helps. This helps condition all levels of your mind to the task and keeps you focused there. Once you are projected, either fly toward or will yourself to be in the vicinity of your records. If no image immediately comes to you, allow your preconceived notion to form the picture for you and work with that until another image appears.

At this point in the process your guide may appear to you, or you may wish to call on him or her for assistance. For many of us, viewing our Akashic Records for the first time is a very emotional experience. The first time I viewed mine, I asked about a very intense past-life issue that I had been grappling with for several months. The answers to the puzzle were shown to me on a movie screen. I immediately recognized my former self, but my consciousness remained with my astral self. My astral body was emotionally involved in the experience but was able to remain in control of its emotions. At the same time, I could feel the tears pouring down the face of my physical body, giving me the oddest sensation of being in two completely different places at once while being fully conscious of both. My guide was a great help in sorting out the important issues and taking what was most useful from the experience while letting go of the rest.

Your first visit to your records may leave you with more questions than answers if you are unfocused about your precise intent. Here is where guidance is invaluable—your guide can help you to interpret what you find, show you where to get additional information about a particular issue, or take you to a place where you can view the records by a different method than the one you initially thought you would use.

The first time you view your records, it's best to know precisely what information you're after, and not overload your senses. I wanted to know everything about myself in one trip. Instead of settling the questions in my mind, the images all began to blur once I returned to the physical. It was hard to sort out what was what, even though I was trying to record it all immediately in my journal. There's plenty of time to explore everything you wish, and no need to rush. Take your time to fully understand one aspect of yourself before taking on another.

As you approach the books, screen, library, or other means by which you will view your records, try to form in your mind a single issue or question you wish to explore. For beginners, the best practice is usually to say, "Please show me what will be most useful for me to know now." This allows the records or your guide to hone in on what is most important at the moment, and prevents you from taking on issues you might not be spiritually ready to handle. Suggestions for issues to explore initially are:

  1. The purpose of your current incarnation.
  2. Any past-life issue that you have been unable to resolve by other means.
  3. The state of your spiritual progress.
  4. A personal relationship issue.

Many who view their records on a regular basis like to create some sort of "astral residence" where they can be comfortable while they do this. Variations on this theme are found in the astral temple and the astral garden popular in other occult traditions. Remember that thought-forms live forever on the astral, and repeated building up of the imagery of your astral home will make it more and more real, and easier to get to and work in, each time you go there.

To create your astral residence, simply relax and begin to imagine what your ideal living place would be like. Create a home, room, and furnishings, then move outdoors and create landscape. Next time you astral project, mentally take yourself to a vacant space on the higher astral planes (or ask your guide to escort you to one), then mentally project these images outward and spend as much time as you need making them real. Don't be surprised if certain touches add themselves. Just like you can't control every aspect of a plot of ground you buy in the physical, you will have irregularities in the astral as well, and these are usually images that will prove useful to you later. Only instead of unwanted weeds in a garden, you may find other objects coming and going that are being put there either by your subconscious or your guide. For example, that candleholder that suddenly appears on your desk top may be there to illuminate your way home during an astral blackout.

Be creative in designing and decorating your new home, but be sure to include in your residence a system for viewing the Akashic Records. This can be anything from a courier service to and from the astral library or a home movie screen and sound system that plays your past at will. Whatever the means, it will always be there for you to view and study.

Excerpted from Astral Projection for Beginners, by Edain McCoy