Posted Under Astrology

THERE’S A NEW WORLD COMING – Are You Ready for It? Use Astrology to Plan for the Future

Astrological Charts

No, you're not. None of us ever are, no matter how hard we try.

What do I mean by, "There's a New World coming?"

Every year is a new beginning, as well as an ending. The start of a new calendar gives us pause and opportunity to regret all the things we did poorly in 2008, or didn't do at all. And it gives us a chance to promise that we will do better in 2009.

So, let's forget 2008. It was filled with one problem after the next—we went into a financial, housing-related, crash; energy-related inflation, and depression in the auto industry; Russia invaded Georgia, and no one could do anything about it; the mess in Iraq seemed to be improving, but that in Afghanistan worsened; Pakistan wobbled into instability and the War on Terror lost its focus; China sponsored the Olympics and the whole world paid homage to what trained, well-muscled bodies can do; and the Presidential Olympics went on, and on; and finally in November someone was elected.

At the time of this writing, the election hasn't happened, but no matter who wins there will be a new administration in January, so this New Year starts with a bang. A year that will be filled with challenges for all of us: Energy; Inflation; Recession; Terrorism; Threats in, from, and around the Middle East; Career and Investment decisions; Financial questions on mortgages and loans; and the list could go on and on.

What are you ready for? Today's slogan promises CHANGE. But we know that change is a constant—just like taxes. We have taxes, and they go up and down, but don't expect them to ever go away. So what's the point? The point is that you can take charge of your destiny, one small step at a time. To do so, you want to know as much about your particular world and your particular opportunities. You need to relate your opportunities to the world of possibilities. Does that make sense?

I hope so. You have to see where you are and where you want to be, and map out the route to getting there. This is why I so strongly recommend an annual astrology forecast for each person. Astrology is the only scientific method for looking ahead. Yes, you can use your own psychic skills to look ahead, or consult with a professional psychic, and you may gain particular insights, but they may be difficult to interpret. On the other hand, you can combine the objectivity of a scientific astrological view of the year ahead with your own intuition or psychic impression for an even more complete view.

This is the way to bring your own psychic powers into the equation. Your own psychic skills work at their best when given a 'the world' focus—whether through careful question and then psychic answer or using the astrological forecast as a foundation and filling the detail and expanded meaning with your own psychic impressions.

You can order Llewellyn's Advanced Astrology Service for only $36.

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