Posted Under Magic & Ritual

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Pentagram in hand

The pentagram (five-pointed star) is an ancient symbol known to virtually all peoples and cultures of the earth; it has even been found on rock carvings dating back to the Stone Age. In the Western tradition of magic, it represents the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit or Ether. At the same time, it symbolizes a person with legs and arms outstretched to the sides. Each of the elements is allocated to a certain point of the star, as the illustration shows.

Ritual Image

The ritual is performed while standing facing east. The gestures can be made with either the right or left hand; the direction the lines are drawn remains the same in either case. You can either use your magical dagger (more on that later) or your extended index and middle fingers, with your thumb resting lightly under them.

The Kabbalistic Cross
Using your fingers or dagger, draw down energy from above and touch your forehead, vibrating powerfully:

ATEH ( = Thine is)

Touch your breast and vibrate powerfully:

MALKUTH ( = the kingdom)

Touch your right shoulder and vibrate powerfully:

VE-GEBURAH ( = and the power)

Touch your left shoulder and vibrate powerfully:

VE-GEDULAH ( = and the glory)

Fold your arms across your chest with the palms of your hands touching your shoulders and vibrate:

LE-OLAM ( = forever and ever)

Finally, hold your hands in front of your forehead, slowly pull them down to your chest and vibrate powerfully:

AMEN ( = so be it)

Drawing the Pentagrams and the Circle
Continue facing the east and draw the first pentagram. Refer to the illustration below for the direction in which the lines should be drawn.

Inhale, pull your hand back to your chest and sharply stab your fingers or dagger into the middle of the pentagram while powerfully vibrating the Hebrew god-name:

JHVH (Yeh-ho-vah or Yod-He-Vau-He)

Keep your arm outstretched and turn ninety degrees to the south; draw another pentagram, and stab it in the center, vibrating powerfully:

ADNI (Ah-doh-nai)

Keep your arm outstretched and turn ninety degrees to the west; draw another pentagram, and stab it in the center, vibrating powerfully:

EHIH (Eh-he-yeh)

Keep your arm outstretched and turn ninety degrees to the north; draw another pentagram, and stab it in the center, vibrating powerfully:

AGLA (Ah-geh-lah)

Keep your arm outstretched and turn ninety degrees back to the east, completing the circle that connects the centers of each pentagram.

Invocation of the Archangels
Still facing the east, stretch out your arms to the side and visualize yourself as an over-sized black cross with a large red rose blooming at the front intersecting point. When you’re satisfied with this visualization, vibrate the god-names while visualizing the archangels in gigantic human form. The location of the archangels is given in the text that you will speak.

Vibrate the god-names powerfully as you do so:

Before me RAPHAEL,
Behind me GABRIEL,
On my right hand MICHAEL,
On my left hand AURIEL,
For about me flames the pentagram,
And above me shines the six-rayed star.

The shining six-rayed star is also known as the hexagram and is visualized in the color gold (see above).

The Kabbalistic Cross
Repeat the step for the Kabbalistic Cross.

License to Depart (at the end of the entire ritual)
There is no prescribed wording to the license to depart. It may be adapted individually according to the nature of the overall operation. Therefore the following is only a suggestion—one that is common in the practice of ritual magic:

I now dismiss all spirits and energies
that have been attracted to this ritual.
Go in freedom—may peace be with you and me!

From Money Magic, by Frater U∴D∴.

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