Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

11 Things You'll Find in Llewellyn's Little Book of Witchcraft

Llewellyn's Little Book of Witchcraft by Deborah Blake

When you think about it, Witchcraft is a pretty big topic to cover in a little book. Heck, I've written fourteen other books about various aspects of and approaches to a Witchcraft practice, with two more coming out next year. (Yes, I am very tired.)

But I think this little book actually cover a lot of the basics that most people will want to know, especially if they're just starting out, plus a bunch of fun activities, spells, and tips that are suitable for anyone, no matter how long they've been practicing. Really, I think the Llewellyn's Little Book series is just great—all these small, cute, hardcover books that are easy to use and look great together.

In case you were wondering, here are a few of the things you can find inside.

Activities, Spells, and Tips, Oh My!
One of my favorite things about the Llewellyn's Little Books series is that right at the front of each book you can find lists of all the various activities, spells, and tips (short snippets of useful information) that are in the book. This particular book, Llewellyn's Little Book of Witchcraft includes twenty-five activities, ranging from creating charm bags and magical sachets to using Goddess oracle decks, to how to make a poppet.

Then there are twenty-six spells! Who doesn't love a good spell? There are ones for reducing debt, achieving goals and success, and even increasing psychic ability. I predict you'll like that one. (See what I did there?) Add in the sixteen fun tips, and that's a lot of good stuff before you even dive into the rest of the book.

Everything You Need to Know
Okay, probably not everything you need to know—it is a little book, after all. But it does include many of the basics of a Witchcraft Practice, with suggestions for how to best integrate those things into your own witchy life. This list should give you a general idea of what to expect:

  1. Commonly Used Terms: When you're new to Witchcraft, there can be some unfamiliar words, like deosil or esbat, that not everyone knows. By explaining these at the beginning of the book, I hope to make it easier for the folks who aren't familiar with some of the more commonly used terms.
  2. Variations on a Witchcraft Theme: There are a LOT of different approaches to Witchcraft, and I detail some of the more common ones, so people can get a better idea of which kind of witch they want to be, if they don't already know. (And no, "Wicked Witch" is not on the list.)
  3. The Sabbats: One of my favorite aspects of a Witchcraft practice are the eight holidays we observe throughout the course of the year. The book includes the basic information on these, as well as a few suggestions on how to observe them. (Hint: there might be feasting.)
  4. The Lunar Cycle: Witches are very connected to the moon, which not only symbolizes the Goddess, but also affects how we practice our magic. I explore full moons, new moons, and even unusual events like eclipses and blue moons, with suggestions for how to make the most of each one.
  5. Special Occasions: In addition to the sabbats and the full moons, there are all sorts of occasions that witches celebrate with special rituals or gatherings. You can learn about some of the main ones here, including handfastings and initiations.
  6. Daily Practices: One of themes that runs through most of my books is the idea that being a witch isn't just about holidays and full moons, but rather how you live your life every day. This section gives you some fast, simple, and easy suggestions for integrating your Witchcraft beliefs and practices into your daily life. Most of them don't take more than five minutes!
  7. Witchy Crafts: Who doesn't like a fun and useful craft project? And when you add magic in, they're even better. This section is where you'll find a lot of the activities, and maybe some witchy crafts you would never have thought of. Hopefully you'll find some things you can do on your own or with witchy-minded friends.
  8. Divination: There are so many different ways to do divination, and I have suggestions for using most of the basic ones. Even if you think this is something you're not good at, you will probably find an approach that works for you.
  9. Spiritual Connection: To me, being a witch is all about connection. Connection with nature, the elements, deity, and the world around you. This section helps you to tune in and reach out. Try it and see how it makes you feel.
  10. About Spells: Spells can be simple, but sometimes tricky to get right. So it helps if you know what goes into them, what to do and what not to do, and how to write your own. I also talk about some of the philosophy and beliefs behind casting spells, because that stuff is important, too.
  11. Spells and Spellcasting: At last, lots of spells! For some people, this might be the most useful section in the book. It includes all sorts of fun and helpful spells, plus some general suggestions on spellcasting that will help you to cast the best, most effective spell possible.

There is also a handy list of correspondences at the back, plus a reading list for exploring further. Didn't I tell you there was a lot of good stuff in such a little book?

Witchcraft, Wonderful Witchcraft
I admit it, I love pretty much everything about Witchcraft, and being a witch. I am optimistic that if you didn't feel the same way already, you will after reading this book. Not every aspect of Witchcraft will appeal to everyone, and that's okay. One of the wonderful things about Witchcraft as a religion and a spiritual practice is that you can tailor it to your specific style and needs. I'm hoping this book helps you to do that, while also being fun and easy to read. Did I mention that it's cute?


About Deborah Blake

Deborah Blake is the author of seventeen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, and Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, as well as the acclaimed Everyday ...

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