Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Making the Most of Your Book of Shadows: 10 Simple Tips

Witch's Book of Shadows

Not everyone has a Book of Shadows, but they can be a very useful tool for your Witchcraft practice. As you might already know, a couple of years ago I put out The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, to provide a starting point for folks who didn't want to create their own book from scratch. It included most of the basics, like herbs, stones, candles, instructions for creating things like charm bags and magical oils, info on divination and various gods and goddesses, plus of course some invocations, spells, rituals, and even some recipes for yummy feast foods.

It also had lots of blank space for each person to be able to add their own bits and pieces as they learned and grew as a witch. But it turns out that not everyone is comfortable writing in a pretty hardcover, and there were some things I thought of later that I wished I'd included. So, this year we're putting out The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows Companion, a paperback with lots of additional information, plus fun stuff like coloring pages, and even more space to add your own personal touches.

Here are ten easy suggestions for how you can make the most out of these Books of Shadows—or any other ones, either your own or created by someone else.

  1. Look through it and find the parts that interest you most. This might seem like an obvious suggestion, but some folks feel overwhelmed by an entire book. You can check out the table of contents, or flip through the book and see what jumps out at you, then focus on that first. For me, it would probably be stones or herbs, because those are two magical tools I work with a lot.

  2. Make notes as you use it. I promise, it really is okay to write in these books! That's why we included all that blank space. If you try using an herb, write down what you think of it (for instance, I hate the smell of a few common ones) or add your own preferred plants if they're not in the book already. Tried a spell and it worked really well? Make a note to use it again. If you're anything like me, you're sure you'll remember things, but two days later, they've fallen right out of your brain. (What, just me?) If you really can't bear to write in the book, try using sticky notes instead.

  3. Add information from other places. The reason a Book of Shadows is so helpful is that it gives you one handy place to gather the information you'll use most often for your magical practice. If you come across something interesting in another book, or online, or during a ritual, make a note in the appropriate section (or wherever feels right to you) so you can find it when you need it next.

  4. Try out some of the spells, incantations, and recipes. See which things jump out at you, or try something that would be useful for an upcoming full moon or holiday. Experiment. Play around. See what works for you.

  5. Color inside (or outside) of the lines.
    Not only can you have fun with the coloring pages included in The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows Companion, you can use some of those blank spaces to draw pictures of herbs or crystals or whatever witchy symbols appeal to you. You can even doodle. Anything you add to the book helps to give it a little more of your own personal energy.

  6. Use it to press herbs or leaves. Another way to add natural energy to your Book of Shadows is to place a few magical herbs inside. Even a pretty leaf collected on the autumn equinox and tucked into the pages is magical. If you don't want to use real plants, you can always use pictures of herbs or anything else witchy that strikes your fancy.

  7. Make a fancy bookmark or three. Some Books of Shadows come with a pretty ribbon attached to use as a bookmark. You can make your own bookmarks out of ribbon or decorative paper, or search out storebought ones with witchy themes, and use them to mark the pages you return to the most often.

  8. Share it with a friend. Gone are the days when witches had to keep their magical knowledge secret. Maybe you prefer not to discuss yours, and if so, that's fine. But if you do happen to have some witchy friends, you can share your books with them and if they happen to have a Book of Shadows, too, you can swap information, or practice some of the spells together.

  9. Empower it under the full moon. If you want to give your Book of Shadows a little extra oomph, you can empower and cleanse it under on the night of the full moon, just as you would any of your other magical tools. If it is safe to leave it outside, you can do that. Otherwise place it in a spot where the moonlight will hit it, or on your altar if you have one, or just hold it up to the moon before you tuck it back wherever you normally keep it. Ask the goddess to bless your book and the one who uses it, and to aid you in your search for knowledge.

  10. Treat it with care. Your Book of Shadows, whether it is purchased or made from scratch, is a valuable tool in your Witchcraft practice. Probably one of the most valuable ones, since it contains knowledge that will help you as you pursue your Craft and work to bring positive magic into your life. Treat it with care, and it can be a treasure filled with magic, fun, and facts for many years to come, growing and changing with your own personal practice.
About Deborah Blake

Deborah Blake is the author of seventeen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, and Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, as well as the acclaimed Everyday ...

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