Posted Under Astrology

The Continuing Astrology of Princess Diana

Even since her tragic death in 1997, Princess Diana's astrology chart has continued to move forward by solar arc, and transits continue to contact the chart as well. Her story continues to captivate audiences around the world, with the latest chapter compliments of her butler.

A Royal Duty
Paul Burrell released his controversial book on Diana's life, both private and public, on October 25, 2003. The book has stimulated controversy has caused a furor in the media. It includes a letter from Diana to the author about ten months before she died. In the letter she mentions fears that someone may tamper with her car to cause her death.

Astrological Indicators for the Book Release Date, October 25, 2003
If we are to believe Burrell, the purpose of his book is to set right much of the gossip surrounding Diana's life and her impending re-marriage. Astrology reflects this intention in Diana's chart:

  • The perseverance involved in creating and publishing the book on Diana's behalf has involved great struggles: first with personal feelings on the part of Diana's devoted servant; second with opposition from the royal family; and third the presumed hesitancy on the part of the publisher. The key has been waiting until the time is right for the information to come out. (Solar arc Saturn trine Diana's Sun)
  • There is a strong urge to provide almost revolutionary information about Diana. This is the time to influence many people's feelings and beliefs about how and why Diana died. There is sudden insight into possible conspiracies. (Solar arc Uranus square Mercury)
  • If Diana were still alive, this would be a time of achievement and advancement for her. Her career would be changing in major ways and her self-awareness would be a dominant factor in those changes. Even in death, her personality continues to fascinate the world. Burrell is expressing his opinion about Diana and events surrounding her life and death. (Solar arc Midheaven quincunx Mercury)
  • The intense fascination with Princess Diana is in for another big push with the release of this book. Publication promises to adjust people's beliefs about this modern-day icon. (Transiting Pluto conjunct the Ascendant)
  • The sales should be huge! Diana has Pluto in the Ninth House of publishing in her birth chart, and Mars is in the Third by transit. Expect your neighborhood bookstore to be jammed with people standing in line to get this book. I will wait a few days and slip into the store in the early morning hours, when traffic will be at a minimum! (Transiting Mars opposite Pluto)

Princess Diana's chart is included for those interested in pursuing further details of the current astrological trends. I have only mentioned the highlights here. I do feel that more information about tragedies often leads to healing. This is reflected by the fact that Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, has transited to aspect the North Node in Diana's birth chart.

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by Joanna van der Hoeven
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