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Posted Under Astrology

Chiron in Aquarius: What Does He Want to Tell You?

Astrological Clock

Chiron is an asteroid, a mythological figure, and a catalyst for that delicate place you have deep inside that contains your most inner sense of woundedness. Where Chiron is placed in your zodiac charts, according to sign, house, and aspect, shows where you yourself are the most deeply wounded, usually in your childhood and where you need the most healing.

A Chironic wound suggests a wound that no one, no doctor, counselor, faith healer, or shaman can heal for you, but that optimally you must do for yourself. How can you do this? Through searching and finding out where the wound is, how you received it, and acknowledging it for yourself. That is the Chironic path to inner healing.

First off, who is Chiron in mythology? That is the best place to start your understanding of him and then onto yourself. Chiron was born the unwanted child of a god and nymph. When his mother saw him, half man, half horse, she immediately rejected him. He was adopted by Apollo, the god of music, poetry, and healing. Chiron learned the healing arts from his adoptive father and became a philosopher and a teacher. Later in life he was shot in the foot by Hercules and the wound never healed, nor ever could be healed. Living in terrible unending pain, Chiron agreed to give up the immortality bestowed on him by his father, and take the place of Prometheus, whose main mailing address was occupant residing in hell (Hades) at the time. Finally allowed to die, Chiron released Prometheus from his bondage and escaped into the spirit realm once and for all.

Now that's Chiron. When we hit the big 50, Chiron returns to the very place he was when we were first born, when all that old toxic information began to be filtered into our conscious and subconscious thoughts.

Right now Chiron is in Aquarius, and that means he is impacting on the inner perceptions of those born in the 1955 to 1960 group. They are experiencing their Chironic Return, and are having to go into those old tapes, dust them off, and play them, like it or not, but now, there is a big difference.

Now that tape can be paused, fast forwarded, reversed, and ultimately, erased. And then that's it, into the cosmic garbage can it goes, and a new tape can be put in its place. It's painful to go over those old tapes, but, once its done, its done, and its move on. And that is good news.

For the rest of the world not in the Chironic Return mode, Chiron in Aquarius is still having an impact, depending on what house it transits in everyone's individual chart. Let's take a look at what Chiron in Aquarius means and then see how the transiting asteroid will affect individual charts.

Chiron (except for a brief period in May through July of 2010) is in Aquarius until the end of 2010. So for the duration of the next five years, Chiron is going to pulse through the eclectic, electro-shock sign of Aquarius. Chiron putting his healing rays on this sometimes impersonal and distant sign is going to manifest in several ways.

First, humanitarian issues will be highlighted, with the world recognizing the need to come together to help each other, as was demonstrated in the recent tsunami disaster back in January of this year. Aquarius is the most humanitarian sign of the zodiac, in addition to being the most aloof. That means that even if we are not personally involved in another's suffering or do not feel it inside ourselves, we still recognize that suffering is in fact taking place, and attempt to use our resources to correct that problem.

Second, the issues of self as opposed to community will be highlighted. How much do we owe to ourselves and how much to society? Working out just how involved in other people's lives we want to be, how much time we need to take for ourselves without feeling guilty and how much of an investment we want to make in our neighborhoods, will be Chiron in Aquarius issues.

Lastly, the sense of feeling special in our uniqueness and wanting to be different and enjoying that, as opposed to feeling separate from others in our milieu, will also be highlighted. Society as a whole may come to appreciate the differences we all have and celebrate them, rather than forcing everyone into a cookie cutter mentality and way of life.

Now how does that resonate on an individual basis? Where transiting Chiron falls in your chart is how you are going to feel this need to be unique and want to express it. Conversely, it can also show up as a place you feel apart from the crowd. Perhaps your Chironic transit will encourage you to celebrate your uniqueness, and not feel you need to push yourself into a mold that wasn't meant for you.

Chiron transiting the angular houses, which are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th, will impact on how you present yourself to others in the 1st; your family of origin in the 4th, your partnerships in the 7th, and your career in the 10th. In these houses, as an example, Chiron could show you that you felt out of place in your family of origin in the 4th or encourage you to try for a career that is markedly different from the one you went to school for, if the transit is through the 10th.

Chiron in the succedent houses, the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th, will bring insight to you regarding what you value in the 2nd, your love relationships in the 5th, other people's money and resources in the 8th and your friends in the 11th. Discovering for yourself what you really value in life, as opposed to what you think you should value, would be a 2nd house matter, and branching out to meet people who may be different from those you have associated with in the past, would be an 11th house issue.

Chiron in the cadent houses, the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th, will bring Chiron's light onto communication issues in the 3rd, day to day work issues in the 6th, religion and philosophy in the 9th and your unconscious thoughts in the 12th. Chiron transiting through the 3rd could open your eyes to new ways of expressing yourself to others, and Chiron through the 6th could bring you original ideas on how to do something different than the typical 9 to 5 routine.

Wherever Chiron ends up in your chart, you can be sure you will experience an innovative way of thinking, feeling and being, and in the long run, you will be very happy for Chiron's stay as your zodiac house guest.