Posted Under Astrology

Electional Astrology: Timing Is Everything

Astrological Chart Illustration

At a very early age, I was aware of the symmetry between universal forces and the human experience. So when I came upon astrology, it was a very natural progression for me to begin working with electional astrology, the system of timing. I have always kept records and prepared charts for every significant occurrence in my life. Eventually, I got in the habit of setting up charts for current events, and charts for events in the lives of friends and clients. The perfection of the event chart became apparent over time, in terms of its ability to wholly reflect the current circumstances and everything surrounding it. Election was the next logical step because it is simply an event chart set for some time in the future, and its goal is to find a perfect time that will support the outcome we want.

I had difficulty finding enough information on the subject of electional astrology, however. It had always been a counterpart to horary astrology, and was therefore not addressed in its own right. What little information was available did not satisfy my interest, so I began the research that eventually went into Electional Astrology. The years I have spent working with electional astrology have taught me that timing is everything. I rarely undertake anything of importance without first selecting the time, and it is the most requested service I provide for my clients. The reason is that it works. I think everyone can relate to something in their lives that would have gone better if the timing had been different.

When working with election, it is easy to see the difference between a good day and one that is not so desirable. Furthermore, there are times that support some undertakings better than others. When you consider that every endeavor has its planetary equivalent, one can look for a day when that planet is in favorable aspect with the Moon. The Moon is the primary consideration in electional astrology, and because she moves so quickly, it is easy to work with the Moon. You can improve your timing just by observing her applying aspects. For example, a good day for marriage would feature the Moon in a favorable applying aspect with Venus, the planet that rules love and relationships.

There is a little more to election, and it is well worth the effort to learn because it is one of the most useful, positive, and powerful astrological tools we have. And since its primary goal is to improve success, it is a noble undertaking. There is no contradiction between the desires of any individual and the ability of the universe to fulfill them. Electional astrology is simply a tool to help align you with what you want more of at the time.

A very good practice is to keep accurate records of significant events. If you begin to examine charts for these events, you will always see the correlation in the astrological symbolism. The practice of election is the same process, only it is a preview of the event. On those rare occasions when you are able to achieve a near-perfect election, it is like getting in alignment with the power of the universe and flowing with it. It is a most exhilarating experience.

The Art of Timing
Timing is very important to the success of any endeavor; so much so that an entire branch of astrology is devoted to it. Electional astrology is the astrology of timing and is utilized in choosing the most appropriate time to begin something. The intent is to achieve a successful outcome, and the rules applied are very specifically set toward that end. Many of the rules have their foundation in horary astrology, the counterpart to this work. Horary astrology is the art of answering a question by analysis of a chart drawn for the precise moment at which the question is asked. Within the horary chart lies the answer to the question, and all circumstances surrounding the matter. Unlike horary, which answers after the fact, electional astrology approaches the matter beforehand and elects an appropriate time to achieve a desired outcome. Though the rules are the same, they are applied differently.

The election chart itself is drawn for the place where the event will occur at a certain time in the future. At its best, an election chart will make use of the most beneficial planetary alignments on any given day. Since the Moon is of primary importance in all election work, she is given precedence, though the rulers of the elected matter are also considered. The Moon's applying aspects describe the unfolding of the electional matter. The Sun and Moon in good alignment will always enhance the election, and contribute to a successful outcome.

About Joann Hampar

Joann Hampar's career in astrology began in 1983 when she was hired as a staff writer for American Astrology Magazine in New York City. In the years that followed she devoted much of her time to counseling private clients ...

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