Posted Under Tantra

Create Your Own Erotic Mandala

Om Symbol in the Sand

Magic circles, or mandala, are symbols that form part of the knowledge you need to access the magic of eroticism. According to Tantric philosophy, once upon a time, the gods found an unnamed energy that vibrated in a perfect way between the heavens and the earth. They called it mandala, which means circle or circuit in Hindu.

The Tao mandala: Ying and Yang
Reading and studying have allowed us to reveal the millenary secrets of sexual magic. All the mysteries have been interpreted and explained in a practical manner, as exercises to be carried out in a certain amount of time and in a simple way, with the aim of heightening our level of sexual and spiritual consciousness through the different techniques.

Mandalas are circles that power the electromagnetic field of our body and mind, concentrating in them all the images or symbols of the different dimensions or cultures. Owing to the high degree of chemical change at cell level occurring during intercourse, the brain circuits are accelerated in such a way that sometimes, they won't even allow intercourse to succeed. This can be unblocked through the creation and meditation with mandalas.

The circular model of the mandala is an integrative element, for the circle is where all geometrical shapes are united, the triangle, the square, and all the variations on these shapes. When you create a mandala, you can include other figures inside the circle:

  • The circle represents oneness and divine origin
  • The triangle is related to the divine beam of creation
  • The square represents matter, and hence the materialization of everything inside us

To create a mandala, remember that polarities must be expressed—feminine and masculine—as they are expressed in all other vital bonds. One of the most popular magic circles in the world is the Tao mandala Ying and Yang, symbolizing the balance between the masculine and the feminine universes; the dark half, Ying, corresponds to the feminine principle while the white half, Yang, to the masculine. Tao followers use this mandala as a symbol of the perfect road.

Erotic colors
You can create your own mandala, and a different one for each day as well. You can do it on your own or with your partner, if what you're after is increasing sexual magic. The following are the colors inside the circle or each geometric figure inside it:

  • Red: Symbolizes sexual power. Increases eroticism, and brings on strength and resistance. Fills the blood with oxygen and cleans it of toxins. After a relaxation or visualization exercise, the body balances the gland secretions.
  • Orange: With soothing effects, it acts directly on the central nervous system. Increases concentration powers during meditation, and that’s why you should use this color for the center of the energy mandala.
  • Yellow: A natural emotion stimulant, it works wonders for harmonizing and materializing wishes and personal ambitions.
  • White: Used in purification rituals because it’s associated to cleanliness before intercourse or love. It breaks up negative situations and increases spiritual faith.
  • Light blue: A great spiritual generator, it magnetizes the environment and attracts great states of peace, protection and security.
  • Blue: Cold, and as such, it contributes to the leveling of anxiety and the control of obsessive sexual attraction fits.
  • Violet: The color of transformation of negative emotions. It works as a processor of negative thoughts because it represents the manifest spirit.
  • Pink: Preserves love during intercourse whatever the feelings of the lovers. Integrates love anderotic passion.
  • Grey: The neutral color par excellence, it can be used to neutralize and create suitable environments to understand what is happening from a more detached point of view.
  • Green: Associated with nature and living energy, its vibes are hypnotic and they make for total calmness in all the vital system of the body, for it acts directly on the psyche.
  • Brown: Associated with constancy and friendship of those who help us in our spiritual growth. It can be used to improve a very conflicting sexual relationship. Also useful for attracting money and friendship.
  • Black: Absorbs light. Associated with feminine energy, the dark side of the Tao, although its effects can be different depending on how it is applied.

What You Need to Draw a Mandala:
Creating a mandala is a way to discover your inner world, where the circle becomes a container for ideas and emotions. Before getting started, meditate for a while, so you can produce the images that will then show in your mandala. The first step is to organize your thoughts around a central theme. Express your creativity using the symbols, geometric shapes and colors that come to mind. The personal mandala at the same time captures and frees a moment of your life. Remember that drawing a mandala is like drawing your own mirror, a space you're reflecting. You will need:

  • Color crayons
  • Watercolors
  • Sharpener and eraser
  • Rulers and protractor
  • Compass
  • Fluorescent markers
  • Cutter and scissors
  • Triangles, circles, semicircles, squares, and other shapes you might want to add to your mandala, like a collage
  • "omnigrid" ruler and geometric shapes templates. You can get them at any stationer's or graphic arts stores

The Power of the Circle
Mandalas have a psychic function and are wrapped up in the flow of energy acting during the visualization exercise. You must meditate by focusing on one point of the mandala, in the center, until the magnetism of that image becomes integrated with your mind. Then, you should expand your attention away from the center.

Meditation with the different mandalas will unblock the energy that blocks a successful intercourse. Each mandala has its unique harmony, like a love song. If you want to create your own mandala to meditate, you can do it wither on your own or with your partner.

The meditation techniques with mandalas, their colors and shapes; the conscious meditation exercises with your partner or the specially designed exercises will be the components of your new life, a surprising new life full of love, magic, wisdom and power.

For more information about this technique, see Sex & the Erotic Lover.

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