
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Hexefus Spread
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Your Tarot Reading
The Emperor
The HierophantEight of Swords
Four of Swords
The Horned OneEight of Cups
The Chariot
About the Cards in Your Reading
Four of Swords
In the Root position
Four of Swords
This card represents the root of the matter; what has gone before, and is directly related to the current situation. Check to see how the energies of this card blend with the other six cards; remember that it moves with each mystery in a different way.

Meaning: Reprieve. Vigil. Withdrawal and silence. Waiting. Isolation and asylum. Existence taking on a surreal feeling, as if one is veiled from life. A seemingly deathlike sleep phase in life, but a time which incubates future dreams. Exile. A freeze on life protecting one from injury or self-destructive behaviour. Recovery. Convalescence. Keeping hidden. Protection in silence. Possibly being forsaken. Warning that a quest may be endangering one's health. Need for help from others. Hospital stay or finding sanctuary.

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The Horned One
In the Love position
The Horned One
This card shows the energies of the first mystery of universal love in the life of the querent. It explains how the querent's actions manifest in the surrounding world, whether following a harmonious Wyrd or a flawed one. It also describes how the querent perceives his or her relationships with others.

Meaning: Nature. The call of the wild. Animal impulse and instinct. Primal knowledge. Ancestral memory. Tension between order and chaos. Reconciling the cultured vs. natural state of being. Originality. Desire and fertility. Enchantment, fascination, and magnetism. Healthy competition. The integration of animal behaviour and needs with the civilized conscious. The rise of primal instincts such as nesting, nurturing, herding, and protecting. The attuning of animal qualities and senses, which can be of great value in agility, cunning, and the intuition of threats or unnatural conditions. The wisdom of the subconscious making its influence felt via one¹s appetites and aversions. Nature has a cycle and rhythm to regulate our behaviours, keeping balance and order. If oppression, starvation, or cruelty disrupt this order, then abhorrent, chaotic, self-destructive behaviour can ensue, leading to the traditional interpretation of the Devil card that appears in many decks as card number fifteen, indicating controlling relationships, enslaving obsession, violence, abuse, and addictions. However, unless a negative interpretation is suggested by surrounding cards, the Horned One of this deck is a symbol of a healthy, life-enhancing wild nature.

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The Hierophant
In the Magick position
The Hierophant
Here are indicated the energies of the second mystery of magick in the life of the querent. This card shows how we use our gifts, talents, skills, intuition, and psychism; and, in particular, how these gifts should or should not be used at this time. If the querent practices the occult sciences, some indication of that may be found here, if it bears relevance on the question posed.

Meaning: Authority. An advocate of tradition. Society's structure and code. The establishment. Orthodox behaviour. Adhering to tradition. Religious authority. A keeper or guardian of knowledge. Initiation. Instruction. The expectations of the outside world. Education. Following an established path. Benefiting from the strength of a group or tradition. The comfort of one's roots. Guidance. Clemency. Religious or educational institutions. Ritual, ceremony, and performance. A wedding or public alliance. Religious or spiritual inclination. Morals and ideals. Mediator. Interpreter. Mentor. Official faith and custom. Accepting a hierarchy. Depending on surrounding cards, can represent repression and the challenging of a system or of conventional wisdom. A person with the power to advance, challenge, or wrong another.

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The Emperor
In the Oath position
The Emperor
This card brings forth the energies of the third mystery of one's oath in the life of the querent; showing what the querent, up to this point, has dedicated his or her life to, what his or her principles are, and how he or she operates according to those values. It may show you what is most important to the querent at this time.

Meaning: A strong leader. A man of power and responsibilities. Protection. Conviction and self-sacrifice. A strong, masculine influence. Integrity and ethics. A father figure. Worldly power. Stability and reason. Compassion. Wisdom and aid. Conquest. Masculine, sexual energy. A competitive nature. Fair play. Competence. A flexible mind open to the ideas of others. Established, relaxed authority. Courage. Reason ruling emotion. Thought for the greater good.

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Eight of Swords
In the Karma position
Eight of Swords
The effects of the fourth mystery of karma or Wyrd in the life of the querent are apparent in this card. It can tell you if the person is working toward good karma, or not so good. Physical birth or death, both of issues and people, may fall here, depending on the question. Indications of past and present actions can assist you in answering the question posed. Financial and mental stability are also reflected in this card.

Meaning: Frustration and fear. Feeling powerless and at the mercy of outside forces. The controlling behaviour of others. Unfair treatment. A pawn. Not having the ability to adequately protect oneself. Vulnerable to deceit. Scapegoat. Pleas falling on deaf ears. Being misunderstood. Being used. A temporary situation that will pass.

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Eight of Cups
In the Wisdom position
Eight of Cups
This card indicates the fifth mystery of wisdom, power, and lineage in the life of the querent. Here you will be able to discover whether or not the querent has used wise counsel, directs his or her power wisely, and how he or she is responding to his or her life's plan. The card can also tell you from what source the querent should draw to assist in the issue at hand.

Meaning: Turning away. Giving up. Finding that something or someone was not a healthy influence. River run dry. Choosing to sacrifice in order to make a clean break and start afresh elsewhere. Abandoning a dream. Changing directions. The dawn of something new. A quest with heart. Bravery. Heeding the call.

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The Chariot
In the Outcome position
The Chariot
The final card shows overall advice and counsel on the question asked.

Meaning: Triumph. Victory parade. Success of a multifaceted endeavour. Leadership, competence, and maturity. Conquest. An evolved personality. Courage. Being centered and secure. Moral, ethical progress and conduct. A high-minded, honourable approach to life. Balance, integration. Harmony of opposite tensions. Equilibrium. Reconciling opposing forces or views. Uniting right and left brain functions. Control over inner conflicts. Harnessing wild energies. Life unfolding at an accelerated pace, yet maintaining direction. Finding one¹s stride. Enjoying the thrill and ride of life. Engaging an ambition or dream. Achievement. High energy. Promotion, honours, and reward. Overcoming opposition. May indicate a rescue, as in the arrival of the cavalry.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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