Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  Witches Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Celtic Cross
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Your Tarot Reading
About the Cards in Your Reading
King of Pentacles
In the Cover position
King of Pentacles
Indicates the querent in relationship to the present situation.

Meaning: When the King of Pentacles makes an appearance in a reading, know that with hard work and determination, success is on its way. The King of Pentacles represents a man with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He is easygoing, responsible, and, most importantly, a realistic man. An earth-sign man, he is strong, steady, and mature, and enjoys the simple pleasures in life. He is a generous and supportive personality and a loving, loyal spouse. He is a protective father who honestly enjoys his children. This man is successful, practical, and content with his life. He is a skilled craftsman and one who enjoys gardening, landscaping, farming, or woodworking. He is happiest when he is working with the soil or making something with his hands. He has worked hard and has earned his comfort and success.

The lesson of the King of Pentacles is that your efforts have manifested into success. Prosperity will be drawn to you.

Keywords: An earth-sign man. Determination, hard work, wealth, security, success, responsibility. A skilled craftsman. Protector of the family. A mature individual who is a rock to lean on in tough situations.

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Nine of Wands
In the Cross position
Nine of Wands
Represents the positive forces or assets in the querent's favor. If this card should happen to be a negative card, it indicates the nature of an obstacles that is hindering progress. (The card in this position is always interpreted in its upright manner.)

Meaning: When the Nine of Wands turns up in a reading, it is a notice to be on guard against trouble, mischief, gossip, and baneful magicks. Now is the time to be alert to trouble and be vigilant with protecting yourself and your professional or magickal reputation. You may need to defend yourself, so be alert and stay on guard. Stamina, courage, and conviction is needed at this time. Magickal protection work may be required. You may not feel like you have the fortitude for any more dramas, but stand firm and be strong. Defend your turf and your reputation skillfully and vigorously. The suit of wands is all about creativity and ambition; you can do this. Draw some boundaries, call upon your inner resources, and stand strong.

Keywords: Stamina, courage, protection. Be alert to trouble. Protect yourself and your reputation. Stand strong, be on guard. Magickal protection work may be required.

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Ten of Swords
In the Beneath position
Ten of Swords
Represents the preoccupation of the subconscious which filters into waking life, affecting moods and outlook. This is the underlying theme of dreams and the emotional undercurrent in the querent's life.

Meaning: When the Ten of Swords rolls into a reading, you have to ask yourself, "Why did you not listen to your own instincts?" This card is a vivid illustration of being stabbed in the back. This shows betrayal from a loved one, friend, or coven member. This is what happens when you ignore your inner voice and gut hunches that something is wrong. By ignoring the warning signs and not paying heed to your own instincts that trouble was brewing, you have paid the price. This card can also symbolize being involved with a toxic group of people, such as in a job environment or even in a coven where you are not cherished but instead made to feel like an outsider. If your instincts are warning you that you don't belong, then you need to be wise, like the owl, and fly away from the group and all of their negativity.

Keywords: A coven where you do not feel accepted or cherished. A toxic group of people. Betrayal, being stabbed in the back, ignoring your instincts.

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King of Swords
In the Crown position
King of Swords
Can be viewed as a message from the "higher self." It can also reflect the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning: The King of Swords is an authority figure. When this card soars into a reading, you need to be aware that your actions may be called into question. This is the card for rulers, leaders, and the wielders of justice. The King of Swords has links to the Emperor and the Justice cards, as the King of Swords concerns himself with matters of right and wrong, and also personal integrity and honor. This card quietly calls into question the wisdom of your personal choices, and he also announces that it is time to turn your knowledge into action. This man sees the world in black or white; there are no shades of gray for him. He is successful, clever, reserved, and a tad intellectual. He has a good head for business and may be a member of the armed forces, a security guard, a detective, or a police officer. The King of Swords also represents a mature man with brown hair and dark eyes who values his integrity above all else. He relies heavily on his common sense and believes in only what can be proven. Like the best kings of old, he is a wise and fair leader who sits in judgment because he must and who is ready to defend his kingdom should the situation deem it necessary.

The lesson of the King of Swords is to turn your knowledge into action while remaining fair and just.

Keywords: An air-sign man. Authority, a fair leader, judgment. Justice, reason, logic, truth. Ethics, honor, swiftly turning knowledge into action.

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The Empress
In the Behind position
The Empress
Represents past events and influences that color and give rise to the current situation.

Meaning: This is the motherhood, fertility, and power-of-nature card. When this card appears in a reading, it is a message from the Mother Goddess to respect the force and power of nature and the body's ability to reproduce. If the Empress card appears in a reading along with the Ace of Wands or the Ace of Cups, then it symbolizes pregnancy or that conception may be likely at this time. This card can also indicate an opportunity to bring new, creative ideas into the world. Protect and cherish the loving relationships in your life. Focus on your family and your home, and enjoy the energy and excitement your children bring into your life. "Birth" your new ideas. Embrace creativity and your own sexuality, and work joyously and respectfully with the powers of nature.

Keywords: The Mother aspect of the Goddess. Bringing new ideas into existence. Feminine power, love, sexuality, motherhood. Fertility, birth, creativity. Hearth and home, protecting love in your life, full moon magick. The power of nature.

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Four of Cups
In the Before position
Four of Cups
Represents what is likely to happen next.

Meaning: This card illustrates boredom and feeling stuck in a rut or dissatisfied with your life. However, adventure, change, and assistance are being presented to you-you just need to open up your eyes to discover and perceive those new, enchanting possibilities. Help is coming from an unexpected place. Snap out of it! Be thankful for the blessings in your life and reevaluate where you currently stand.

Keywords: Snap out of the funk you are in! Change, adventure, and opportunity await you. Quit moping and do something positive. Assistance is coming from an unexpected place.

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Six of Swords - Reversed
In the Self position
Six of Swords - Reversed
Indicates the querent's psychological state and attitudes which can greatly affect the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: Short-term improvement. Challenges to your progress. Travel delays or complications.

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Two of Swords - Reversed
In the House position
Two of Swords - Reversed
Represents the querent's environment and unseen forces influencing the situation.

Meaning: Being forced to face your suppressed emotions. Conflict, injustice, obstinacy.

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Queen of Wands
In the Hopes position
Queen of Wands
Indicates the hopes and fears of the querent.

Meaning: When the Queen of Wands appears in a reading, brace yourself. This is where the fun begins. The Queen of Wands is all about energy, enthusiasm, and passion. This card often symbolizes a fair woman with pale eyes who loves her home, family, and pets. She is sassy, fun, warm, affectionate, and mischievous. She is the ultimate multi-tasker and is often involved in several groups or committees. She is intense and passionate but with a good sense of humor. It takes a lot for this woman to lose her temper-but once she does, it is an awesome force of nature. This card denotes a fire-sign woman, a talented Witch, and a natural-born leader. The Queen of Wands makes a skilled coven high priestess or energetic magickal community leader.

The message from the Queen of Wands is this: home, family, magick, and career-you can have it all. Just allow your passion for life and your creative and spiritual energy to fill you up and lead the way.

Keywords: A fire-sign woman. A woman who is generous with her affections and successful with her family, home, and career. A talented Witch and natural leader of a magickal group. The ultimate multi-tasker. Popular, outgoing, fun loving, charming, cheerful, classy.

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Page of Swords
In the Outcome position
Page of Swords
Indicates the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: When this card lands in a reading, it means that you need to think quickly and act decisively but keep your temper in check. You need to remain vigilant and to be on guard for trouble or conflict, but you should use your wit and not brute force. You do have the ability to quickly put an end to nonsense and petty arguments with either quick actions or a few well- chosen words. This card may physically represent an intense, impulsive, and active young person with brown hair and green or hazel eyes. The hawk symbolizes messages, and when it appears in your life it is always a sign from deity to pay attention to what is going on around you.

The message of the Page of Swords is that caution, cleverness, and tact are needed at this time. Try for tact before you take a swipe at your opponent.

Keywords: Vigilance, caution. Standing on guard for trouble or conflict. Putting an end to petty conflicts with a few well-chosen words. An intense and intelligent young man.

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About the Deck
Witches Tarot
By: Ellen Dugan, Mark Evans

Award-winning author Ellen Dugan, a highly respected Witch and tarot reader, and award-winning artist Mark Evans have created the perfect deck for all devotees of the Craft. Positively radiating witchy energy, this easy-to-use tarot showcases beautiful and evocative digital artwork. Echoing the traditional Rider-Waite structure, each card includes instantly recognizable Pagan symbols that resonate with today's Witch. In addition to card descriptions and meanings, Dugan's companion guide features seven unique, spell-enhancing spreads for both tarot readings and magickal practice.

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