
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  Witches Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Hexefus Spread
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Your Tarot Reading
The Magician
The MoonFour of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of WandsKing of Wands
Page of Swords
About the Cards in Your Reading
Five of Wands
In the Root position
Five of Wands
This card represents the root of the matter; what has gone before, and is directly related to the current situation. Check to see how the energies of this card blend with the other six cards; remember that it moves with each mystery in a different way.

Meaning: When the Five of Wands soars into your reading, it shows that minor annoyances and petty arguments need to be dealt with. There are different opinions all wanting to be heard. This card symbolizes bickering between coven mates, friends, or coworkers. This card tells you that challenges are ahead and that you will need to be very clear in communicating your goals and desires to another. There may be petty troubles at your job or a little healthy competition. Put your game face on and put some effort into your problem solving, and you will see positive results.

Keywords: Competition, conflict, disagreements, challenges. Petty squabbling at work or within the coven. Put some effort into your problem solving to see positive results.

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Six of Wands
In the Love position
Six of Wands
This card shows the energies of the first mystery of universal love in the life of the querent. It explains how the querent's actions manifest in the surrounding world, whether following a harmonious Wyrd or a flawed one. It also describes how the querent perceives his or her relationships with others.

Meaning: This is a victory card symbolizing achievement, recognition, compliments, success, accomplishment, and well-deserved accolades after hard work. You can overcome any obstacle if you work at it. This card can also remind us to hang in there. Times may be tough, but you will get through it and come out victorious if you keep trying.

Keywords: Victory, achievement. Recognition for a job well done. Compliments and success. Accomplishment after hard work.

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The Moon
In the Magick position
The Moon
Here are indicated the energies of the second mystery of magick in the life of the querent. This card shows how we use our gifts, talents, skills, intuition, and psychism; and, in particular, how these gifts should or should not be used at this time. If the querent practices the occult sciences, some indication of that may be found here, if it bears relevance on the question posed.

Meaning: This is the card of the Crone Goddess, waning moon magick, intuition, and illusions. It may also represent a development of psychic powers. When this card appears in a reading, it reveals that people and situations are not always as they appear. The moonlight can be deceptive. What looks one way during the day may appear completely different under the shifting light of the moon. You need to look carefully at what you think you see. Call on your guides, totems, and Hecate to see past the fog and to recognize the truth. Use your psychic gifts and trust your intuition. Work magick with Hecate now to see through any illusions and for the gifts of foresight, wisdom, and protection.

Keywords: The Crone aspect of the Goddess. Waning moon magick. Protection magick. Seeing through what others would keep hidden. Intuition and the development of psychic powers. Wisdom gained through years of life experiences.

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The Magician
In the Oath position
The Magician
This card brings forth the energies of the third mystery of one's oath in the life of the querent; showing what the querent, up to this point, has dedicated his or her life to, what his or her principles are, and how he or she operates according to those values. It may show you what is most important to the querent at this time.

Meaning: When this card appears in a reading, it is a message to tap into your own magick to find the answers you seek. Work in balance with the elements and the powers of nature to create your magick and bring about positive change. Magick is all around you, and it is everywhere in the natural world...the Magician challenges you to seek it out. Connect to this elemental energy and tap into its powers. Be confident and look within as well as without.

This particular Major Arcana card is a lesson in the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence, which teaches us that "As above, so below; as within, so without." We do exist on all planes-on the astral/spiritual, the energetic, and the physical. The Magician urges you to choose the most harmonious tools and natural accessories for your magick. Use the laws of correspondence and all of the resources that you have at your disposal wisely.

Keywords: As above, so below. Skill, determination, connection, confidence. Strength of will. Working magick with the four elements and the elemental spirits. The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence. Elemental magick and personal power.

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Four of Wands
In the Karma position
Four of Wands
The effects of the fourth mystery of karma or Wyrd in the life of the querent are apparent in this card. It can tell you if the person is working toward good karma, or not so good. Physical birth or death, both of issues and people, may fall here, depending on the question. Indications of past and present actions can assist you in answering the question posed. Financial and mental stability are also reflected in this card.

Meaning: When the Four of Wands dances into a reading, get ready to party! This card symbolizes celebrations such as birthday parties and, of course, baby and bridal showers. This may be a celebration with a family or a coven. This is the celebration of a happy event, a graduation, an anniversary, or a lavish and fun sabbat observance. The Four of Wands classically is interpreted as a fertility card, which links it to the sabbat of Beltane. This card announces an opportunity and a time to share joy with another. It may also represent a time of creativity and freedom of expression.

Keywords: Celebration, rejoicing over a happy event. Freedom, parties, baby and bridal showers, sabbat celebrations. Fertility, creativity, freedom of expression.

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King of Wands
In the Wisdom position
King of Wands
This card indicates the fifth mystery of wisdom, power, and lineage in the life of the querent. Here you will be able to discover whether or not the querent has used wise counsel, directs his or her power wisely, and how he or she is responding to his or her life's plan. The card can also tell you from what source the querent should draw to assist in the issue at hand.

Meaning: When the King of Wands turns up in a reading, watch for a fair fire-sign man. A business man-a leader, a mover, and a shaker-he is outgoing, direct, charming, and confident. This is the man who can do it all-a "super dad." He has a successful career, coaches his kids' Little League team, and keeps his marriage vital all at the same time. This man is happiest when he is involved in many activities all at once. He is faithful, dependable, and passionate, and if he gets frustrated or annoyed, he may have to work hard to hold on to his temper. This card also represents creative expression and the championing of another's ideas and dreams. You may find that an investor or partner for your future venture is much closer than you think, or that you yourself may be the energetic supporter of another. Creativity and artistic talents are at an all-time high.

The lesson of the King of Wands is that energy and enthusiasm will help you achieve your artistic and creative goals. Be generous and supportive to the people in your life.

Keywords: A fire-sign man. A super dad. A mover and a shaker. A person who is charming, outgoing, energetic, and generous. Mentoring another. Enthusiasm, artistic expression, creativity.

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Page of Swords
In the Outcome position
Page of Swords
The final card shows overall advice and counsel on the question asked.

Meaning: When this card lands in a reading, it means that you need to think quickly and act decisively but keep your temper in check. You need to remain vigilant and to be on guard for trouble or conflict, but you should use your wit and not brute force. You do have the ability to quickly put an end to nonsense and petty arguments with either quick actions or a few well- chosen words. This card may physically represent an intense, impulsive, and active young person with brown hair and green or hazel eyes. The hawk symbolizes messages, and when it appears in your life it is always a sign from deity to pay attention to what is going on around you.

The message of the Page of Swords is that caution, cleverness, and tact are needed at this time. Try for tact before you take a swipe at your opponent.

Keywords: Vigilance, caution. Standing on guard for trouble or conflict. Putting an end to petty conflicts with a few well-chosen words. An intense and intelligent young man.

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About the Deck
Witches Tarot
By: Ellen Dugan, Mark Evans

Award-winning author Ellen Dugan, a highly respected Witch and tarot reader, and award-winning artist Mark Evans have created the perfect deck for all devotees of the Craft. Positively radiating witchy energy, this easy-to-use tarot showcases beautiful and evocative digital artwork. Echoing the traditional Rider-Waite structure, each card includes instantly recognizable Pagan symbols that resonate with today's Witch. In addition to card descriptions and meanings, Dugan's companion guide features seven unique, spell-enhancing spreads for both tarot readings and magickal practice.

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