About The Authors
Jesamyn Angelica is a high priestess and founder of Sisterhood of the Moon who brings thirty-five years of experience in Goddess arts to her uniquely ...
H. Byron Ballard, BA, MFA (Asheville, NC) is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist, and writer. She has served as a featured speaker and teacher ...
Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird is a painter and the author of several bestselling books on earth spirituality, Hoodoo, and anthropology, including ...
Randall Bowyer has been a student of the Western Esoteric Tradition for more than four decades. ...
Starr Casas was raised in the Southern culture of the Deep South and holds onto the values of her ancestors. She is a traditional Conjure woman with ...
Ixtoii Paloma Cervantes is a Curandera and an abuela de tradicion (elder that teaches Curanderismo). She was born and raised in northern Mexico ...
Both Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Chief Adepts of the Golden Dawn as re-established by Israel Regardie. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, ...
Both Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Chief Adepts of the Golden Dawn as re-established by Israel Regardie. The Hermetic Order of the ...
Kenya Coviak is an African American Folk Magician/Hoodoo practitioner from Detroit, Michigan. Her magical trainings include oral traditional ...
J. Allen Cross (Oregon) is a practicing Folk Witch and paranormal investigator. He serves as psychic-medium and occult specialist on a well-known ...
Dr Alexander Cummins is a consultant, diviner, writer, contemporary cunning-man, and historian of magic. His magical specialities are the dead (folk ...
Morgan Daimler's witchcraft is inspired the Irish Fairy Faith. She is the author of Pagan Portals: Fairy Witchcraft, Pagan Portals: The Morrigan, ...
Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and healer. She has written more than thirty books, including Energy Work for the Everyday ...
Mario del Ángel-Guevara was born in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, where he obtained his bachelor's degree in bilingual education at ...
Lilith Dorsey, MA, has focused their study and practice on Celtic, Afro-Caribbean, and Indigenous American spirituality. They are ...
Lon Milo DuQuette is a preeminent esoteric scholar and the author of sixteen critically acclaimed books on magick and the occult, including Enochian ...
Morrigane Feu is a witch and a priestess in the province of Québec, Canada. She has been on an ever-evolving pagan path since 1996 and now ...
Sasha Graham is the bestselling author of over ten books and tarot kits, including 365 Tarot Spreads, Llewellyn's Complete Book of the ...
One of the most respected writers and teachers in the occult field today, John Michael Greer has written more than fifty books on esoteric ...
Dennis William Hauck (Sacramento, CA) has translated several important alchemy manuscripts and published a dozen books on the subject, including The ...
Via Hedera was born in Southern California, but currently lives in the Pacific Northwest on Salish territory, where she is a writer, folklore ...
From an early age, David Allen Hulse diligently studied the alphabets of the ancient world. As a child, David possessed a great affinity for the ...
Cory Thomas Hutcheson (Central Pennsylvania) is the cohost of the popular podcast New World Witchery. He has a doctorate in American Studies with ...
Melissa A. Ivanco-Murray is a writer, artist, and musician with Bachelor of Science degrees in Russian and International relations from the United ...
Clare R. Johnson, PhD, is past president and CEO of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD). In 2007 she became the first person ...
Marcus Katz (England) is a tarot teacher and co-director of the Tarosophy Tarot Association. He has studied and taught tarot for thirty-five years ...
Anita Kraft is an accomplished Qabalist and the author of The Qabalah Workbook for Magicians: A Guide to the Sephiroth. ...
Sandra Kynes (Mid-coast Maine) is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids and the author of twenty-one books, including The Witches' ...
Erik Lacharity lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with his wife Chantal and two daughters. He has been a Frankish Heathen (Thia Frankisk Aldsido) since ...
Aaron Leitch has been a scholar and spiritual seeker for over three decades. He is an ordained Gnostic Priest and a member of the Hermetic Order of ...
Dr. Michael Lennox (Los Angeles, CA) is a psychologist, astrologer, and expert in dreams and dream interpretation. He has appeared on SyFy, MTV, NBC, ...
Anthony Louis is a psychiatrist who has studied astrology as a serious avocation since his early teens. His longstanding interest in the history and ...
Dee Norman grew up in a family that practiced an Italian folk magical tradition (called by her family, "the things we do"). She received her first ...
Aaron Oberon is a folk witch, print relief artist, Florida fanatic, and author of Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South. They ...
Rob Phoenix was born and raised in Pennsylvania and currently lives in South-Central Pennsylvania and works for the state of PA. He has always been ...
David Rankine is a magician, author and esoteric researcher based in Glastonbury, England. He has written over 30 books and thousands of articles in ...
Hans H. Rhyner holds MD and PhD degrees in Alternative Medicine as well as an NHP in Ayurveda. He began his training in Ayurveda more than thirty ...
Jake Richardswas born and raised in East Tennessee and holds his Appalachian-Melungeon heritage close in his blood and bones. Jake has practiced ...
Kris Brandt Riske, M.A. (Arizona) is the executive director and a professional member of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), the ...
Iya Baba NoKe is a radical educator, activist, and poet. She is initiated in various branches of African spirituality; she is a Lucumi Priestess of ...
Robert L. Schreiwer is the founder of the Urglaawe tradition within Heathenry. He is a trained Braucher in the Oley Freindschaft guild and the ...
K. M. Sheard (Wales, UK) is a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) and the British Pagan Federation. A graduate of the University ...
David Shoemaker (Sacramento, CA) is a ritual magician and the author of several occult books, including Living Thelema. David is the Chancellor and ...
Stephen Skinner began his career as a Geography lecturer and magazine publisher, but his long term interests have always been Western magic and feng ...
Melissa Tipton is a Jungian Witch, Structural Integrator, and founder of the Real Magic Mystery School, where they teach online courses in Jungian ...
Eliseo "Cheo" Torres has served as Vice President for Student Affairs/Full Professor at the University of New Mexico (UNM) since 1996. He is ...
Shai Tubali, PhD, is an international speaker, author, and spiritual teacher. He is one of Europe's leading authorities in the field of chakras and ...
Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs ...
Sam Webster, PhD, MDiv (San Francisco Bay Area) earned his doctorate in Pagan history under Prof. Ronald Hutton. He is an initiate of several magical ...
Benebell Wen is the author of Holistic Tarot (2015), The Tao of Craft (2016), both published by North Atlantic Books. She is also the creator and ...
Brandon Weston (Fayetteville, AR) is a healer, writer, and folklorist who owns and operates Ozark Healing Traditions, an online collective of ...
Brandy Williams is a Wiccan high priestess, a Pagan Magician, and a Tantric yogini. She is an elder in Coven of the Mystical Merkabah, which was ...