Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

How to Have an OBE Through Levitation

Introduction. OBE Levitation is an interactive induction procedure that uses impressions of physical weightlessness to facilitate astral disengagement from the physical body. Spontaneous OBEs are often initiated by sensations of slowly drifting upward and away from the physical body as it remains at rest. OBE Levitation promotes that natural out-of-body phenomenon by deliberately introducing physical sensations of weightlessness, followed by imagery of the biological body levitating and then returning to its original position, but with the astral body remaining in the levitated state.

OBE Levitation requires only sensations of biological levitation, not actual levitation. The rationale for this procedure is that sensations of biological levitation can literally release the astral body from the physical body, thereby producing astral levitation. Here is the eight-step procedure:

Step 1. While resting in a comfortable, reclining position, mentally scan your total body from your head downward, pausing at areas of tension and letting them relax. Slow your breathing, taking a little longer to exhale, until you develop a relaxed, effortless breathing pattern.

Step 2. Focus your full attention on your physical body and imagine it becoming lighter and lighter, until finally, it seems to become weightless.

Step 3. As the sense of weightlessness continues, imagine your physical body, as light as a feather, beginning to rise slowly. Next, envision your physical body momentarily suspended in space, then slowly returning to its original position, but leaving your consciousness behind in astral form, still suspended over your physical body.

Step 4. From overhead, view your physical body, now resting comfortably below. Notice your sense of weightlessness and separation from your physical body.

Step 5. Invoke the positive energies of higher astral planes by visualizing your projected astral body, as well as your physical body below, surrounded by white radiance, then affirming:

My total being is now enveloped in the powerful radiance of cosmic energy. As I travel beyond my body, I will be empowered and protected, mentally, physically, and spiritually, by the positive energies of higher astral planes. I will return to my physical body at any time by simple intent alone.

Step 6. Give yourself permission to travel to any pre-determined destination, or simply allow travel to unfold effortlessly and spontaneously. Make in-flight corrections, as needed, by consciously intervening into the out-of-body experience. Reaffirm periodically the presence of powerful cosmic energy infusing your total being, including your physical body as it rests safely at a distance.

Step 7. To return to your physical body, visualize it in its familiar setting, then simply affirm your intent to return to it. Allow plenty of time for the return, and once in the presence of your physical body, passively at rest, give yourself permission to re-unite with it. Upon re-engaging your body, notice your breathing and various other physical sensations.

Step 8. Conclude the procedure with a brief period of rest and reflection. Give particular attention to the empowering relevance of the experience.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: OBE Levitation is valued not only as an effective practice procedure for developing out-of-body skills, it has also gained recognition as an important health and fitness tool. Individuals who routinely practice this procedure invariably experience a general improvement in overall health. They become less anxious and more energetic. They develop a more optimistic outlook and a more positive self-image. The procedure has been highly effective in weight management and stop-smoking programs when combined with pre- and post-induction conditioning that included affirmations designed to build self-esteem and a success orientation. It is also effective as a pain management program. A student who suffered a back injury in a fall and was considering dropping out of college decided to use OBEs Levitation in his effort to reduce the persistent pain. At step 3 of the procedure, he experienced a complete alleviation of pain as his astral body remained suspended over the physical. While remaining in the out-of-body state, he visited a distant dimension in which, by his report, he received an “astral massage” by a gathering of “health specialists." The massage ended with the transfer of “green energy waves” which he soaked deeply into his astral energy system. Upon returning to his body at rest, he experienced the “warmth of healing” accompanied by only a dull sensation of pain. Through repeated use of OBEs Levitation, he soon became free of the pain that had severely restricted his life. 

See also:  OBE Levitation
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