Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

The Mirror Image Technique

Introduction. Although the mirror is often viewed as a somewhat less than elegant tool for out-of-body induction, its usefulness has been repeatedly demonstrated both in the laboratory setting and in OBE training programs. As an OBE tool, the mirror provides an external point of focus that facilitates imagery and concentration, both of which help exteriorize awareness and promote the out-of-body state. The mirror is also useful as an OBEs resolution tool because of its capacity to give empowering substance to post-OBEs affirmations.

Mirror Image requires a full-length mirror, either wall-mounted or free-standing, for out-of-body induction in a seated or reclining position. For induction in the lying down position, an overhead full-length mirror is required. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Formulate your OBE objectives. Your objective may be simply to explore Mirror Image as an induction approach, or you may wish to travel out-of-body to a specified destination to achieve a particular empowerment goal. 

Step 2. Having formulated your objectives, settle back and, as you become progressively relaxed, view yourself in the mirror, paying particular attention to your eyes. Think of them as “windows of the soul.”

Step 3. While focusing on your eyes, expand your peripheral vision to take in your total body. Then further expand your visual field to take in the full mirror and its surroundings. Expand your peripheral vision to its limits, and let your eyes fall slightly out of focus. You will then notice the so-called “peripheral effect” in which your visual field takes on a whitish glow. At that point, notice the relaxation deepening as you become increasingly tranquil and serene.

Step 4. Return your focus to your eyes, and again think of them as windows of the soul.

Step 5. After a few moments of focusing your full attention on your eyes, imagine your image in the mirror as your true self. Then, shift your awareness onto that image by imagining your true self on the other side of the mirror. From your position beyond the mirror, view your physical body, paying particular attention again to your eyes. Sense the distance between yourself and your physical body. Should your awareness begin to slip back to your physical body, shift it back to your image beyond the mirror. With practice, this process becomes increasingly easy.

Step 6. Once your awareness is comfortably settled into the image of yourself beyond the mirror, close your eyes and picture your physical body resting at a distance, enveloped in a bright radiance.

Step 7. Visualize your astral being beyond the mirror surrounded by the glow of astral energy, and invoke the protection of higher astral planes. Affirm: "I am fully infused—mentally, physically, and spiritually—with radiant energy. I am secure and fully protected. I can re-engage my physical body at will."

Step 8. At this step, direct the out-of-body experience toward your previously stated goals. You may wish simply to experience the out-of-body body state, or you may prefer to travel to a particular destination. You may wish to access and interact with distant physical realities or higher astral planes. You can also initiate spontaneous or exploratory travel at this level.

Step 9. To end the out-of-body experience, view your physical body resting passively in its familiar surroundings, and give yourself permission to return to it. Once in the presence of your physical body, let yourself become fully re-united with it.

Step 10. Conclude the procedure by first noticing the various sensations of your physical body, and then, upon opening your eyes, viewing yourself in the mirror and affirming: "As I view myself in the mirror, I see my true self—secure, self-confident, and totally empowered." Add to these, "fully rejuvenated" if you wish.

Alternative Applications: Mirror Image is a powerful program that’s useful for almost any self-empowerment goal. It is especially effective for goals related to health, fitness, and rejuvenation. For that application, the recommended astral plane is emerald green. By interacting with it at Step 8 either from a distance or close up, you can bathe the astral body in the plane’s healthful, rejuvenating green energy and once infused, you can channel that energy to your physical body at rest. As you interact with your physical body below enveloped in iridescent green, you can use your astral body’s psychokinetic powers to literally erase the physical signs of aging and fully infuse your body with healthful energy and rejuvenation. The rejuvenation process is concluded with relevant astral affirmations that are forwarded to the physical body still at rest in the distance.

You may decide to use Mirror Image to interact with an astral massage specialist who slowly massages your astral body with healthful energy from your head region to the tips of your toes. Upon completion of the massage, your astral body becomes a powerful force that infuses your biological body with healthful energy upon re-engaging it. Although illness, both mental and physical, is unknown to the astral body, the empowering aura massage endows it with an abundance of positive, healthful energy for easy transfer to the physical body.

In Step 9, before engaging the physical body upon your return, again affirm the empowering effects of this experience. You will note at that point the glow of radiant emerald energy enveloping you physical body. Once re-united with your body in Step 10, view yourself in the mirror and note the glow of radiant green energy enveloping your physical body. You may note actual evidence of rejuvenation in your physical appearance. This application of Mirror Image requires practice, but with experience you will discover for yourself a personal fountain of youth that, like an everlasting spring, is bountiful and enduring.

Aside from its use for goals related to better health and rejuvenation, the Mirror Image program that includes the Out-of-body Astral Massage, as it’s now known, has shown excellent promise when practiced by couples experiencing sexual arousal deficiencies. For that application, the comfortable bedroom setting with a mirrored ceiling is recommended for use by the couple in viewing the body, nude if preferred, while lying comfortably together. Each step of the program is practiced together. Mutual sexual arousal and sexual climax are not uncommon during Astral Massage, as well as following re-engagement of the physical body.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Especially effective for goals related to health, fitness, and rejuvenation. With massage, your astral body becomes a powerful force that infuses your biological body with healthful energy upon re-engaging it. With astral massage it has shown excellent promise when practiced by couples experiencing sexual arousal deficiencies.

See also:  Mirror Image
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