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Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Precognition via OBEs—Personal and Cosmic Expose

Part One: The Personal Expose Procedure

Introduction. The induction phase of the Personal Expose procedure requires a white screen which is viewed from a comfortable seated position. The screen, typically situated at a distance of about ten feet, provides a focal point that promotes relaxation and stimulates precognitive imagery. Here is the four-step procedure:

Step 1. Inducing the Out-of-Body State. To induce the Out-of-Body state, slow your breathing and clear your mind of all active thought by focusing on the white screen. After a few moments of focusing, close your eyes and envision your physical body at rest. Continue to envision your body resting peacefully until you sense yourself becoming separate from it. Stay with that sense of separateness, letting yourself gently float away from your body. Remind yourself that you are safe and secure. Invoke the protective power of higher astral planes, and using imagery, envelop yourself and your physical body in radiant white light. Tell yourself that you can return to your body at any moment you decide to do so. Let yourself feel free as you float farther away from your body. Affirm: 

"I am empowered and totally secure as I remain outside my body."

Step 2. Accessing Precognitive Knowledge. Safely removed from your body, envision a white screen upon which appears a menu of precognitive topics such as Finances, Romance, Career, Travel, and Health, along with any other topic you wish to add. Reserve one space on the menu for General Information to comprise precognitive information not covered by other topics. Select a topic from the menu and mentally "click" on it to call forth relevant precognitive information. Allow sufficient time for the information to emerge on the screen. You can call up the menu at will and continue "clicking" until you have the precognitive information you need.

Step 3. The Return. To return to your physical body, view it at rest and simply give yourself permission to re-engage it. Allow sufficient time for the return, then note your sense of physical presence, along with other specific sensations, such as areas of warmth or coolness.

Step 4. The Resolution. While remaining relaxed, take a few minutes to review the Out-of-Body experience and reflect on the precognitive information derived from it. Conclude the experience by affirming: "I am now empowered with knowledge of the future. I will use that knowledge wisely."

Summary of Purpose & Benefits: Accesses future information either derived from the personal subconsciousness or an external precognitive survey for specialized foreknowledge. 


Part Two: The Precognitive Cosmic Expose Procedure

Introduction. While Out-of-Body we will travel to distant astral realms to access higher sources of precognitive knowledge that ranges from the personal to the cosmic. Here is the procedure:

Step 1. Induction. While seated comfortably, envision yourself surrounded by the glowing energies of the cosmos. Let peace and tranquility infuse your total being. Envision a bright blanket of relaxation spreading slowly over your body, saturating every muscle and joint. Next, shift your attention to your forehead and focus on the inner region of light sometimes called the third eye or Ajna chakra. Continue to focus on that region as your link to higher astral planes. Finally, let the region of light in your forehead expand to infuse you fully and then ascend gently as the totality of your astral being, bearing consciousness away from your physical body.

Step 2. Out-of-Body Travel. With your astral being now disengaged from your physical body, you are empowered to travel safely to the distant reaches of the cosmos. As you scan the cosmos, you will notice a distant realm of light that commands your attention and invites your interaction. Sense yourself being drawn toward it, until finally you are at the center of it, encompassed by the light of cosmic power and knowledge. All that you need to know about the future is now available to you, taking shape before you as events spontaneously unfold. You can let yourself be drawn in as an active participant, or you can remain an objective observer. To access highly personal and detailed information, a simple question is sufficient.

Step 3. The Return. When your need for precognitive knowledge is satisfied, conscious intent alone is sufficient to initiate a return to your physical body. Upon gently re-entering your body, focus your attention again on the inner region of the third eye, now radiating light and energy. Affirm: 

"My total being is fully infused with the positive light and energy of the cosmos."

Step 4. The Resolution. Take a few moments to review the precognitive experience, and reflect on its relevance and empowerment potential. Explore ways of using your precognitive knowledge. Remind yourself that cosmic predictions exist as probabilities, not as fate. For positive revelations, look for ways to facilitate the predicted outcomes. For negative revelations, consider ways of averting, altering, or preventing the predicted event. Bear in mind that even global catastrophes are not outside your sphere of influence when you are energized with cosmic knowledge and power.

Summary of Purpose & User Benefits: Prediction of personal events, natural disasters, global political & economic developments, promotes spiritual interactions and personal well-being.

See also:  Precognition
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