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Crystals for Psychic/Spiritual Development

It is helpful to use quartz crystal as a tool for clear channeling of your higher self into your ordinary life. Recall that a crystal is an individual source of perfect form, each with its own frequency of vibration for focusing your positive thought-forms.

Crystals help us in becoming more complete, in taking more responsibility for our actions, and they guide our footsteps on the path to spiritual awakening. They lovingly help us build a greater harmony of mind and spirit to become the radiant beings that we all are.

The physical body is composed mostly of silica, and we all need supplements of this to make up for the silica which is depleted. Quartz crystal, remember, is composed of silicon dioxide. Silica equalizes psychic energy forces in the body so the kundalini energy may rise safely and open the third eye. The New Age person will need more silica in their form. They will need the stimulation of the "sand crystals" in the pineal gland to better understand communications from the Forces of Light.

Meditation and prayer create powerful rays of White Light, which is like food for the soul. This White Light stimulates the pineal gland and the crystals of silica of which it is composed. Holding a crystal in the left hand during meditation steps up the frequencies and energies for the pineal gland (third eye). A small crystal taped on the forehead over the third eye is a powerful charger when meditating.

The silica found in our bodies is in the form of crystals. This silica in the connective tissues bind the body cells together. Silica is a prominent part of brain tissues also. The brain is filled with "dust’" crystal. These infinitesimal dust crystals are found in all the brain cells, especially in the third eye area, the pineal gland.

Focused gazing or meditation on a quartz crystal can stimulate the pineal crystals, through the eye ray, bringing about development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. To develop clairaudient perception, hold a crystal in your hand and combine its power with chanting. Each crystal holds within its structure a sacred code of sound peculiar to it alone. This sound can be discerned by chanting and focusing attention upon the crystal you have chosen.

In the great Temples of Initiation, the secret password was encoded in quartz crystal. The person seeking initiation would have to hear the password clairvoyantly from a spirit guardian before they would be able to enter. The right vibration or sound would automatically open the portal, much as our automatic door openers work now with light breaking a barrier.

Another way in which crystals help your spiritual progress is by their rainbow light. Attach a string to your crystal and hang it in the window so the sunlight shining through it will shower you with the colors of the rainbow. Sit in this prism of rainbow light if you can. Otherwise, visualize the light rays coming through your crystal. This light will stimulate your etheric body and increase your auric protection against adverse influences, and raise your level of consciousness.

Quartz crystals represent crystallized energies of Sun and light frequencies. An average person is like a walking crystal antenna who is out of tune! You can fine-tune your body and bloodstream, much like harmonizing a song or tuning a violin, using the energies of crystals.
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