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Articles by Phyllis Galde

by Phyllis Galde  /  13,367 views
How do you choose a crystal that’s right for you? How do you know which one will help you? Listen to your inner self, and select the crystal that’s interesting and attractive to you. The best way is to handle and hold it, being sensitive to how it feels. Appearance is secondary. Pick a
by Phyllis Galde  /  17,033 views
There are many different viewpoints on crystal cleansing, and whether it’s even necessary or not. Follow your own feelings/intuitions on this. If you do feel your crystal needs cleansing, then it probably does. Here are some suggested methodsof cleansing and clearing crystals. Use whatever feels
by Phyllis Galde  /  12,725 views
There are many other gemstones besides clear quartz crystal that can be enjoyable and beneficial. Many different types of beautifully polished gemstones that can be used for healing meditation, energy and enjoyment. Gems come in many different colors, sizes, shapes, and varieties. Their material
by Phyllis Galde  /  11,534 views
The quartz crystal can be a wonderful help in helping you to learn new information. The crystal is able to process information holographically, as compared to the computer, which stores and retrieves information bit by bit. Ancient people, especially in Atlantis, used the crystal for storing
by Phyllis Galde  /  46,821 views
Crystals have a history of capturing people's imaginations. The crystal structures are aesthetically pleasing as well as precise, implying an order to the universe thatis reassuring to the pattern-seeking human mind. But crystals are more thanbeautiful examples of the order of the universe. Crystal
by Phyllis Galde  /  13,031 views
Tiny crystals shaped like pyramids are floating throughout the bloodstream, bearing the DNA code of the individual soul. Throughout the universe, the pyramid is known as the principle geometric form for matter and consciousness. Hydrogen atoms contain pryamidal units. All matter is made up of
by Phyllis Galde  /  26,429 views
It is helpful to use quartz crystal as a tool for clear channeling of your higher self into your ordinary life. Recall that a crystal is an individual source of perfect form, each with its own frequency of vibration for focusing your positive thought-forms. Crystals help us in becoming more
by Phyllis Galde  /  14,781 views
Quartz crystals are an aid in meditation, as they have the ability to cut through confusion and help you tune into your Higher Self. Take a cleansed crystal and "charge" it by centering yourself; then hold the crystal to your third eye. Program it with the purpose you wish to achieve. You can
by Phyllis Galde  /  16,035 views
It is said that there are 12 crystalline fields of communication within the Earth. Future generations will be able to communicate with the distant galaxies, and perhaps even crystals for this communication. These 12 crystalline fields will be discovered throughout the world in subterranean tunnels
by Phyllis Galde  /  52,364 views
Why use quartz crystals? What is it about them above all other stones that makes them so special? Quartz crystals have been used since ancient times as powerful healing objects and meditation tools, and to make medicinal elixirs. Wise adepts have long known about their qualities and have used
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Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards! The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...
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