![]() Oft expectation fails, and most oft there Reflecting the qualities of your Sun sign is not the difficult part of your contract with the universe. After all, just being who you are isn't hard to do. Applying yourself is, which brings us to the twelve houses of the natal chart. First, however, a few boring but necessary facts. Just as that celestial beltway, the ecliptic, is made up of twelve different constellations we call signs, the birth chart is also divided into twelve different sections astrologers call houses. Just as each constellation depicts a specific area of the sky above, each house in the natal chart represents a specific area of life down below. Now, because the birth chart was designed to serve as a celestial snapshot of the day you were born, it was purposely configured so that each one of the houses in it would reflect an approximate two-hour period of that day. This is done by casting the chart so the cusp of the 1st house reflects the eastern horizon at the exact moment of daybreak on that morning (sometime between 6 and 8 am), and the cusp of the 7th house mirrors the western horizon at the exact moment of sunset on that evening (usually between 6 and 8pm). With these exact times set in place as horizon anchors, every one of the twelve houses on this birth wheel ends up representing not only a specific two-hour period of the Sun's journey around the Earth that day, but the action section of the sky that the Sun was occupying while it was making that journey. At 12 o'clock noon the Sun would be directly overhead and at 12 o'clock midnight it would be directly below the Earth. Therefore, because the Sun had to be breaking, climbing, falling, or setting in one of those twelve sections of the sky at the exact moment of your birth, it would have to be reflected as doing so in one of the twelve houses of the birth chart as well. Your birth chart: as above, so below. I hope this makes it a little easier to understand why your birth time is so critical to your horoscope and so crucial to your contract. It is the only way to determine which of these twelve houses your Sun was astrologically positioned in at the moment of your birth, and, because of that, the only way to know what area of life your solar degree is universally contracted to in this lifetime. Not surprisingly then, if there's one piece of the astrological puzzle you need to have, it's your Sun house. Because while every house in the natal chart will, at times, be challenging, the house your Sun occupied at the moment of your first independent breath will always be the most frustrating. That's because the areas of life it represents will always be the most demanding. They have to be. While your Sun sign is your karmic degree (that part of your contract that validates your solar greatness and illuminates to the outside world how you're karmically qualified to make your mark in this lifetime), your Sun house is the clause in your contract that unequivocally identifies just where you agreed to make it. Therefore, on the bright side, your Sun house represents the field of human life where you can expect to shine because it reveals exactly where you promised to hit that spiritual home run. On the dark side, however, this house also represents the areas of life where the cosmos expects you to show up for the games, play by the rules, and swing for the fences like the pro you were trained to be. Yes, the one you agreed to become, not just on those good-luck days when you feel like it, but on those bad-hair days when you don't. Unless, of course, you don't mind forfeiting your spot on the field and your shot at success. After all, it is your promise, your consequences. Besides, this house is not supposed to be easy. Being brilliant never is, at least not when it requires keeping a cosmic promise to literally get up every day and figuratively break a real human sweat. This, by the way, is more than just the best way to honor your solar commitment. It's the only way to access your maximum potential. That's right. There's absolutely no way you will ever be able to reap the universal rewards of success and fulfillment without doing the hard work of being a major player in your Sun house. In fact, every time you choose to do something less strenuous in that house, like perhaps nothing, the universe takes it personally, as it should. This is usually when your ego takes a hit and your life takes a dive. When you neglect the responsibilities of your Sun house, you're not only sidestepping your personal commitment, you're actually bypassing your designated potential, causing you to unhappily plummet straight into the astrological abyss of deep solar dissatisfaction. This is not to be confused with any other type of earthly discontent because, when it comes to the dark side of an untapped Sun, the dissatisfaction is so deep it actually alienates even your strongest supporters by compelling you to habitually whine and complain about all the things you never get from your Sun house, while even more habitually making no human attempt to work for them. In short, Lazy Sun Syndrome, and yes, you may already be afflicted. For instance, if your 10th house Sun is not out there in the public eye doing a brilliant interpretation of responsible leadership, you can be sure it's only because you're somewhere inside your own private hell complaining about the authority you always fail to achieve and the recognition you never seem to get. If, on the other inharmonious hand, you're the one weeping and moaning about relationships that are too difficult to sustain and partnerships that are impossible to achieve, you can be sure that your 7th house Sun isn't doing its best to be a shining example of balanced cooperation at its finest. Who do you suppose spends a good deal of their time griping about resources that aren't there, banks that don't come through, and partners who are emotionally, financially, or spiritually bankrupt? The 8th house Sun whose powerful paranoia keeps them from doing their very own share of the deep sharing work. It doesn't matter if that 2nd house Sun of yours has agreed to show the rest of us how to make money and accumulate wealth, if a reliable value system has not been developed, your lazy Sun complaints about high prices and insufficient earnings are old and annoying. If your 4th house Sun is constantly crying about the lack of stability on the domestic scene, it's a pretty sure bet that you're the one dominating the household by not doing the hard work of giving others the psychological foundation you promised, or worse, the emotional security they need. Get the picture? Being a powerful influence means more than just wielding authoring and dishing out expertise, it means using them to make an impressive difference by being an outstanding individual. That, according to the cosmos, is more than just interpreting your solar placement; it's living up to it. It's stepping up to your karmic calling. So what if personal fulfillment could be universally guaranteed by just rolling up your earthly sleeves and doing the required heavy lifting of your Sun house. Would it be worth a try? Of course it would. At the very least, it would have to be worth the cost of all those therapy sessions, self-help classes, and overpriced calls to the psychic hotline. After all, if hitting one out of the park were simply a matter of showing up on the right field, wouldn't you want to know where it was? Who wouldn't? Knowledge is power, isn't it? Besides, as you're about to find out, when it comes to the solar clause in your natal contract, ignorance has never been bliss. Just ask anyone with a 3rd house Sun. Or, better yet, find your own Sun house in the birth chart, and get busy. Chances are you're out there every day overlooking the most direct route to your much better life. That's because while you already know that the power of your natal Sun is always available to you through the sign it was traveling through at the moment of your birth, what you probably have yet to realize is that its promise is only available to you through the house that it occupies in your birth chart. That is why this compelling influence is called your karmic calling, the second half of the solar clause in your personal contract with the universe—the one that illuminates your very reason for existence. Look no further. Your Sun house is without question, the astrological house of your human happiness and your earthly prosperity. Quite literally, it's what the cosmos, in all its infinite wisdom, says you were born to do. Sun in the 1st House Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "I'm not getting enough freedom;" "Everyone else has too much." Sun in the 2nd House In fact, you've actually been blessed with great earning power in this lifetime because you've pledged yourself to the hard work of deserving it. While that's a deed more universally known as rolling up your somewhat self-indulgent sleeves and becoming the brilliant source of your own independent income, it's more likely to be accomplished through the painful process of accepting responsibility for your own economic exploits. No wonder life becomes so depressingly insufficient every time you're tempted to succumb to those tight-fisted, greedy, and selfish pitfalls of the physical world, or worse, to those unscrupulous financial ones. After all, you did make a promise to devote your earthly efforts to the constructive and beneficial use of your own material resources. A promise worth keeping because the pay-off is definitely a possession worth having. What is it? The physical gratification that comes with building a tangible sense of your own security or, as it's more commonly known, self-worth. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaint: "Their prices are too high;" "My salary is too low." Sun in the 3rd House No wonder you have such an incredible nose for news, such an intuitive way with words, and such an instinctual knack for networking. It's also why you can't help but shine with such blinding authority when it comes to almost any aspect of communication, education, commerce, or transportation. That is, until the cosmos catches you trying to flex a little mental muscle by arrogantly dominating and pompously dismissing the very thoughts and conversations you're supposed to be stimulating, or worse, distorting them, which is exactly when your life becomes unsatisfying, the environment become monotonous, and, as far as we're concerned, you become both. You see, although our mental development is truly dependent on your powerful connections in the neighborhood, your own personal success depends on your ability to get out there and become the most impressive person in it. That means you can sit back and wait for that outstanding sibling, neighbor, merchant, or teacher to make a brilliant impact on the local community by bringing their powerful message to a theatre near you, or you can live up to your soul's 3rd house promise and become that person yourself. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaint: "No one ever tells me anything;" "They think they should know everything." Sun in the 4th House Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "My family tries to dominate me;" "My mother won't support me." Sun in the 5th House Apparently, accessing your maximum potential depends on your ability to enrich the lives of those around you while playfully reaping the fruits of your own ingenious labors, and wowing the world in the noteworthy process. Tough assignment, but then, with your Sun pledged to the "look Ma, no hands" house of the horoscope, you can't help but shine with celestial superiority whenever you direct your egotistical energies to the fun and games of getting our attention, primarily because you're now committed to the pomp and pageantry of winning our respect or, as you tend to think of it, applause. This is something you rarely have difficulty earning whenever your powerful passion for children, romance, and entertainment happens to position you in the spotlight and us in the front row. After all, you're here to provide the childlike spirit that encourages artistic individuality, not the childish egotism that spoils and suppresses it—or worse, wastes it. With a 5th house Sun, you promised the cosmos that you would leave your own individual mark on the world, which explains why you were an outstanding child from the moment you came into it, and why, as an adult, you must work hard to inspire others as a talented teacher, actor, or performer before leaving it, unless, of course, you prefer to experience the ego-deflating 5th house alternatives of embarrassing investments and disappointing offspring. It seems to be magnificent; your natal Sun must first be responsible, making it cosmically clear that although it may be your universal birthright to show off, it's an impossible feat for even you to accomplish without first showing up. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "My leadership is never recognized;" "I'm always stuck with all the responsibility." Sun in the 6th House With your Sun committed to the solar sweatshop of the 6th house, you're not only pledged to the hard work of providing a useful service to others, you're also stuck with the awesome responsibility of being good at it, primarily because you've agreed to the planetary purpose of being good for us. This explains why you never have any difficulty blinding us with your brilliance when it comes to matters of health, nutrition, hygiene, or fitness, and, unfortunately, every difficulty avoiding those 6th house headaches of overbearing coworkers, debilitating illnesses, and long periods of unemployment whenever you don't. You were born to shine through our efficiency. Therefore, your personal success actually lies somewhere in those thankless chores no one else wants to do, those broken things no one else cares to fix, and the midnight oil no one else likes to burn. After all, you're the one who made a promise to improve our way of living, which, apparently, just can't be accomplished without working for yours. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "I always have to do everything;" "No one else knows how to do anything." Sun in the 7th House Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "My partners aren't devoted to me;" "My partners are always trying to control me." Sun in the 8th House Because life itself usually begins with sex and ends with death, it's not hard to understand why you're so frequently exposed to the seamier side of humanity and so routinely involved with the more violent forces of nature. It's also why your own life gets a lot more complicated every time you're tempted to start unleashing what could be catastrophic or exposing what should be kept private just because you happened to feel threatened. After all, you promised to revolutionize our lives by dedicating your own to the wise use of hidden power, an assignment that just can't be accomplished without skillfully handling our property and cleverly keeping our secrets—not to mention eventually making a name for yourself, a fortune for others, and some powerful connections in the angst-ridden process. Understandably, that only occurs if you're clever enough to sidestep those typical 8th house land mines of bankrupt partners and legacy losses. Unfortunately, that never will occur unless you're brave enough to step into our blood-curdling trenches and make the one thing you promised you would make: a difference. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "No one else is as invested as I am;" "Everyone else has more resources than I do." Sun in the 9th House With a 9th house Sun, you're not only committed to the intellectual responsibility of searching for knowledge and spreading the truth. You're pledged to the physical responsibility of defying the odds and going the distance to do so. This explains all those chronic crusades for justice and those compelling campaigns for the underdog, not to mention your undeniable talent when it comes to any far-reaching or advanced method of communication such as advertising, broadcasting, teaching, or publishing. You see, you were born to inspire the world as an outstanding example of your own deeply held convictions, which is why your opinionated path will always become strewn with overwhelming obstacles whenever you're not out there somewhere fearlessly preaching your principles and brilliantly voicing your views. Or worse, whenever you are out there anywhere, not practicing all of the beliefs and politics you so self-righteously advocate to us. Your soul did promise to become a powerful source of global enlightenment—a promise that can only be fulfilled through a continuous search for knowledge and the wise application of truth—yours. Luckily, this requires nothing more than leaving the so-called safety of your own intellectual backyard, and nothing less than taking us with you. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "My rules must be followed;" "Their restrictions aren't necessary." Sun in the 10th House Accessing your maximum potential depends on your ability to demonstrate the responsible use of power, but not without first keeping your soul's promise to devote your earthly elbow grease to the hard work of earning it. That explains why the cosmos expects you to shine with supremacy when it comes to all aspects of parental authority, professional status, and public leadership. It also explains why every one of your occupational achievements is sure to be the result of your own father's recognition or, as is more often the cosmic case, motivated by the lack of it. Either way, with your Sun committed to the global goldfish bowl of the 10th house, you'll find that you just can't avoid the spotlight of success whenever you're out there really trying to earn it. Nor, for that matter, can you escape the white-hot notoriety of public scrutiny whenever you're not trying. After all, you did come into a world that was universally prepared to expect great things of you, a world that, as far as you're concerned, seems to be constantly waiting for you to accomplish something, while never letting you get away with anything. That's because you were born at that time of day when the Sun was climbing to its highest point in the sky. A time when we only have to lift our eyes to see a brilliant star reach its most powerful peak. Evidently, the universe is expected no less from you. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaint: "I never get the recognition I deserve;" "Why is everyone always in my business?" Sun in the 11th House Evidently, your maximum potential can only be reached by igniting our social awareness with your social conscience. No wonder you shine like a brilliant beacon of brotherhood whenever you're out there illuminating the issues and organizing the activities that are in some way crucial to the betterment of mankind, or at the very least, the local brownie troop. The fact is, you have the remarkable ability to do either one brilliantly because you have the vision and charisma to exhilarate everybody and, it seems, associate with anybody. This explains your impressive, yet unusual, buddy list of stimulating friends, powerful playmates, and justifiable weirdos. It also explains why you were born to endorse innovative people and embrace scientific principles. You're the one who is committed to a new and improved tomorrow, which, as far as you're concerned, requires devoting yourself to upsetting the status quo today. Unfortunately, according to the cosmos, this can only be achieved by demonstrating your individuality as an idealistic leader, not by arrogantly going your own willful way as an eccentric loner. Unless you prefer to stubbornly slip into those 11th house sinkholes of shattered hopes, domineering colleagues, and disappointing friendships. It's true that you're expected to stand out as a member of society, but that's only because you've pledged yourself to the hard work of standing up for it. In fact, this lofty goal is very much like your own 11th house Sun. In order to be accomplished, it requires not only power and popularity, but the sobering realization that one can never be sacrificed for the other—and, of course, a little help from your friends. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "The people I work with are too domineering;" "The groups I belong to are too ineffective." Sun in the 12th House With your Sun committed to the secrets, sorrows, and self-undoing of the 12th house, apparently you were born to heal it, and us. This is why you will always intuitively connect and indiscriminately merge with anything that appears to be familiar, seems to be suffering, or needs to be rescued. It's what you do, and why you shine with unlimited empathy and therapeutic special effects for something other than relieving our pain—like enabling it, or worse, escaping your own. That is usually when you stop impressing us as the brilliant power behind the throne and start annoying us as the neurotic martyr behind the scenes, while alienating us as you become your own worst enemy in the end. After all, your soul promised to use all that unconditional love, abstract awareness, and psychic insight to help us through our deepest fears and our darkest nights, not create them, and to awaken our spirit and brighten our tomorrows, not overwhelm them. It's really no coincidence that you were born just as the Sun was breaking over the eastern horizon and into our conscious awareness. This is the time of day when all human beings unconsciously accept enlightenment by instinctively opening their eyes to the brilliance of a higher power. Which, according to the cosmos, is supposed to be you. Your Lazy Sun Syndrome Complaints: "They have no right to keep secrets;" "I have every right to my privacy." Excerpted from Cosmic Karma, by Marguerite Manning |