Posted Under Chakras & Energy Work

Energetically Improve Heart Challenges Through Your Fourth Chakra

Healing Crystal Grid for Heart Chakra

Years ago, I was struggling with an arrythmia, which is an irregular heart rhythm. What helped me the most? Working energetically through my heart chakra, an approach I used to supplement allopathic or "regular" medicine.

Chances are, you either have already, or will experience, a cardiovascular disease. Nearly half of all Americans are currently afflicted with one.1 Cheerier yet, nine of ten Americans are already in the early, middle, or late stages of a syndrome that can lead to heart disease. Signs include fat buildup, metabolic troubles (like high cholesterol or diabetes), and kidney concerns.2

This trend is not only an American occurrence. That means that becoming an ex-pat isn't going to stop you from turning into a statistic. Heart disease is the number one world killer, its major causes including smoking tobacco, socio-economic risks, being overweight, air pollution, high blood pressure, and the harmful impact of alcohol and stress.3 What strikes one person might get another a different way. The paint palette of heart conditions is quite the array: heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, arrythmias, heart valve complications, and more.

From the get-go, I want to make this point: I use allopathic medicine. Every year, I take my annual exams. In an emergency, I head to a medical clinic. I even get vaccinated, which has unfortunately, become an arguable activity these days. So, when the arrhythmia or uneven heart beat worsened, I saw any number of doctors, including a cardiologist. Most of them simply said I was stressed. (That's called being alive.) I changed my diet, exercised more, took electrolytes, meditated more often, and saw my therapist. Still, there was that irregular heartbeat. Of course, I knew that chakra interactions combine beautifully with conventional medicine and various forms of emotional and mental therapy. Smack dab is that heart organ in the heart chakra, which gave me an obvious place to focus.

The heart or fourth chakra is based in the chest. It is one of several subtle energy centers, energy being defined as information that moves. Certainly, physical energy matters. If my physical heart weren't spasming, how would I know that I had a problem? However, less than one percent of all energy is physical or measurable, which means that more than 99.999 percent is subtle, or quantum.4</sup > So, if you really want to address a heart-based challenge, it is imperative to scope out heart-based subtle energetics.

Physically, the fourth chakra incorporates the heart organ, lungs, breasts, rib cage, and pericardium. As do all chakras, it governs specific psychological factors. In the case of the fourth chakra, we're talking considerations of love, to include relationships with self, others, and the Divine. Spiritual understandings and the related intuitive faculties encompass the ability to heal, as does the color assigned this chakra.


Green relates to renewal and regrowth. Any time we're experiencing a cardiovascular trial, we can assume that something old must go so we can rethink what loves means on a higher level.

In my own case, it took two rounds of scrutiny to uncover the energetic causes of the arrhythmia. My first clue as to a causal factor was signified by the timing of the uneven beats, which occurred every night between 10 p.m. and midnight.

After months of enduring fear and breathlessness, I figured out that during this block of time, three of my family members were drinking alcohol. A lot of it. I'm allergic to alcohol, probably because I grew up experiencing the pain of alcoholism, a family addiction. Being a good codependent, I was "drinking" the energy of the alcohol to "save" my loved ones from the disease. About half of the arrythmia disappeared after I altered my belief system and used the energy technique I'll share with you, called "healing streams of grace," to disconnect energetically from my relatives. It really wasn't an act of love I was performing, not if I was hurting myself.

I'd now cut my symptoms in half and felt pretty good about it. Still, there was a slight but leftover irregular beat, so I asked my intuition to give me another sign.

I'd had a dream involving family issues, the Divine, and a family haunting. The latter is a discarnate soul that hangs around after death to help, or not. I figured the latter was the case.

Toward the end of releasing that entity, I visited with a shaman I'd known for years. Without any cues from me, he recited my dream almost exactly. Yes, he assured me, there is an entity wrapped around your heart and every time you think a good thought, it pulls away. The shaman performed a healing and presto—no arrythmia.

Any version of cardiovascular challenges can be potentially improved with subtle energy techniques. Activities might involve fourth chakra applications of color and sound, meditation, right-cooking, grounding protocols, meridian-based assists, gemstones and crystals, vibrational remedies, yoga, meditation, and via interconnections to spiritual guides and allies. Dozens of customized techniques, as well as a deep dive into heart chakra concepts, can be found in my book referenced at the end of this article, Heart Chakra: Your Fourth Energy Center Simplified and Applied.

Following is my signature technique through which you can sooth and smooth your heart chakra and perform any subtle energy means for healing.

Practice: Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace
Spirit-to-Spirit is my signature process for safely accessing psychic information and performing healing, manifesting, prayer, meditation, and more. It establishes energetic boundaries to ensure the highest outcome for everyone involved, no matter the request.

My spirit-to-spirit technique has only three steps. With practice, it starts to flow quickly and automatically. You can implement it with a focus in mind or simply to calm yourself when life takes a bite out of you.

Healing Streams of Grace is another powerful process that recognizes that all needed healing energies can be provided instantly. They can be created by your own divinity or spirit and/or the Higher Divinity, and will be altered automatically, until they aren't needed anymore. In my world, "grace" is "love that makes a difference."

As you move through these steps, make them your own.

1. Affirm Your Personal Spirit. In this step, the word "spirit" refers to your unique spark of divinity. To affirm your spirit is to intentionally align your essential self with only the highest good.

2. Affirm Other Spirits. In this step, the word "spirit" has two meanings. It refers to the divine essence of one or more living beings but the same as related to otherworldly beings. The purpose of this step is to activate the divine spirit within incarnate and discarnate beings that can serve as guides. This activity filters out negative entities or dark forces.

3. Affirm the Greater Spirit. In this step, the word "Spirit" represents God, the Holy Spirit, Allah, the Greater Spirit, the Goddess, the Divine, the Greater God, or whatever term you might use for your Higher Power or Source. This is the most critical of all three steps. Performing this step is equivalent to surrendering your will to the Spirit's will. Want more tips? These might assist:

  • If you're visual, you can picture different images that describe your spirit, how you perceive another person’s spirit or other spirits, and the Greater Spirit.
  • If you're verbal, say the steps aloud or to yourself. You can even create a mantra or adopt a pop tune to the process.
  • If you're kinesthetic, you sense data in your body. To perform one of the spirit-to-spirit steps, you could touch the same part of your body each time, or tap yourself once, twice, and three times for each affirmation.

4. Focus on a request. Attune to your desire for healing or manifestation. Ask for assistance from what you believe is true.

5. Request Healing Streams of Grace. Request that your own spirit and the Spirit now make love available to you. The streams of this love-in-motion will enter wherever needed and keep updating until they are not needed anymore.

6. Close. When you feel secure, feel gratitude, and return to your everyday life.

1. American Heart Association, "Cardiovascular diseases affect nearly half of American adults, statistics show," January 31, 2019, https://www.heart.org/en/news/2019/01/31/cardiovascular-diseases-affect-nearly-half-of-american-adults-statistics-show.
2. Ernie Mundell, "About 90% of U.S. Adults Are on the Way to Heart Disease," May 8, 2024, US News, https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-05-08/about-90-of-u-s-adults-are-on-the-way-to-heart-disease.
3. World Heart Federation, "World Heart Report 2023: Confront the World's Number One Killer," https://world-heart-federation.org/wp-content/uploads/World-Heart-Report-2023.pdf.
4. Ali Sundermier, "99.9999999% of Your Body Is Empty Space." Sciencealert, September 23, 2016. https://www.sciencealert.com/99-9999999-of-your-body-is-empty-space.

About Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and healer. She has written more than thirty books, including Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete. Her year-long apprenticeship program through her ...

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