Your Unique Psychic KnowingnessHave you ever noticed that the résumés or biographies of many psychics begin with something along the lines of, "I've been this way since I was little?? I am one of those people. I cannot recall a time when I wasn't psychic. Even if the word psychic has not resonated with you in the past, a lifelong journey working through your intuition is not a rite of passage. In other words, if you do not remember or believe that you were psychic as a child, it in no way makes you less qualified to be so now. Everyone may be born a psychic, but many have yet to realize, understand, or utilize their abilities. A Psychic's Handbook will meet you where you ...
There is no magic involved when it comes to intuition or intuitive gifts. The magic is what we are able to discover when we pay attention to our ESP, or extrasensory perception. We don't always ask for it. In fact, most of the time, we don't set out to use it! However, it shows up in a variety of ways to help us. Some of the most common metaphysical gifts are clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairolfaction, and clairgustance. ClairsentienceThat gut feeling you have when your intuition is trying to get your attention is generally one of the most common forms of intuitive awareness, and it's called clairsentience, or clear feeling. Generally referred to as your ...
You are psychic. Yes, you. I can confidently make this statement, because utilizing intuitive abilities is inherent to all of us. While it can seem magical, it's very, very real and is simply part of our makeup. The distinction isn't if you are psychic, it's whether you're consciously psychic or not. And becoming intentionally aware of your abilities is where the true magic begins. If you've come to this article determined to mindfully practice and grow your psychic muscle, welcome! Whether you're new to working with your subtle skills or you've been developing them for a while, going over foundational basics can sometimes reveal the practices that are most powerful for you. With that in ...
Meditation is an ancient, time-honored practice of quieting the mind. The purpose of meditation is different for each who embarks on that journey: to achieve mental and emotional well being, elevate consciousness, reaching towards enlightenment, and as a foundation for developing natural spiritual gifts. Psychic skills development involves practices and exercises that assist in opening your own natural psychic receiving mechanisms. This allows you to merge with the spirit realm to receive information, healing, insights, comfort, and support. While no two people receive exactly the same way, one especially simple way to develop psychic skills is through meditation. When the body and mind ...