The word memory comes from Mnemosyne (NEM-oh-seen), Greek goddess of memory and mother of the Muses, nine goddesses who presided over the creative arts. Believing the Muses' powers were necessary to inspire acts of creation, starving artists in ancient times (poets, playwrights, musicians) invoked the Muses' aid in fashioning their works. You can do the same today, and also call on Mnemosyne for a memory boost.
One way to access deep levels of memory is to sit down with pencil and paper and "freewrite." Burn a candle or incense of cinnamon, honeysuckle, or rosemary. Visualize your central idea and, with it in mind, begin writing. Once you've started, don't stop! Keep writing whatever comes to mind-even if it veers off the original topic. Don't edit yourself and don't stop until there's nothing more to write: you'll be surprised at the depth of recollection. Thanks, Mnemosyne! |
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