Today is Geek Pride Day, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the release of Star Wars, Towel Day (for fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), and the Glorious 25th of May (for fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld ). Geeks are smart, quirky, and fearless and are sure to succeed at anything to which they put their minds. Make a charm to invoke your inner nerd for atom-smashing success. On a piece of paper-or better yet, parchment, à la Hogwarts-write an affirmation spell using the elements as depicted on the periodic table:
I AM B (Boron) Ra (Radium) I (Iodine) N (Nitrogen) Y (Yttrium) Roll up the paper, seal it, and place it on your altar, computer, bookshelf, or crafting table. Speak the spell aloud to refresh the wibbly-wobbly. (Whovians, you know what I mean!) |
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