The hearth is the center of your home. It may be a fireplace, a woodstove, a central furnace, or even your kitchen range. Wherever it is, it deserves a blessing. Begin by cleaning your hearth—a gesture of care and respect. Perhaps your fireplace or woodstove needs the chimney or flue swept and cleaned, and the floor in front of it swept or polished. A furnace may need its filter changed or vents vacuumed out, while your range might need to be cleaned and polished. Some of these are ...
Winter is a good time to take care of your altar. Periodically you should take everything off of it, clean up, and give it some attention. Start by removing any altar tools like candles, bowls, crystals, or wands. If you have one or more drawers for storing tools and supplies, then empty that too. Clean each of those items with a suitable cleaner or just wipe them down with a soft cloth. Take off the old altar cloth, then wash it or hang it to air out. Clean the altar table or shelf with ...
Smoke ceremonies to bless and cleanse the home are very popular nowadays, but what if you don't like all that smoke? If you have sensitive lungs or just don't enjoy the smell, an easy alternative is to create your own room spray with water and a few essential oils. This spray is meant as a general positive energy booster. It can be used to uplift the mood in your home and keep your house smelling fresh. Gather these materials: A small spray bottle (available at dollar stores) Water to ...
I love Sundays. It probably started when I was a kid and my family ate Sunday dinner with my grandparents. The richness of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding mingles in my memory with the knowledge of my grandparents' love. Today, let's do a Sunday sweetness spell. It is your choice: you can choose either an activity that delights you or a special food treat—bonus points if it's sweet. Make time today to pause mindfully, take a few deep breaths, and savor the sweetness of that moment or of ...