Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  Gilded Tarot Royale   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Celtic Cross
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Your Tarot Reading
About the Cards in Your Reading
Eight of Swords
In the Cover position
Eight of Swords
Indicates the querent in relationship to the present situation.

Meaning: You feel helpless. You cannot see; you cannot move; you sense danger all around you. The situation is entirely of your own making. The good news is that if you made it, you can unmake it. You have the ability to see things clearly. You just need the courage to do so.

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The Tower
In the Cross position
The Tower
Represents the positive forces or assets in the querent's favor. If this card should happen to be a negative card, it indicates the nature of an obstacles that is hindering progress. (The card in this position is always interpreted in its upright manner.)

Meaning: The message of The Tower is a difficult one. Unlike The Wheel, with its philosophical message of centeredness, and Death, with its promise of spiritual enlightenment, The Tower doesn't seem to offer much except destruction. Our belief system helps us find calm in the center of The Wheel and gives us courage to face Death. In The Tower that belief system is shattered. The good news is that it is usually shattered by a truth that we didn't recognize before. Knowing the truth is good; ignorance is not really bliss.

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Four of Swords
In the Beneath position
Four of Swords
Represents the preoccupation of the subconscious which filters into waking life, affecting moods and outlook. This is the underlying theme of dreams and the emotional undercurrent in the querent's life.

Meaning: You need time to regroup. Although your situation is problematic, you will resolve it until you can take some time out. Remove yourself from the situation, meditate, and find your center. By recharging your spiritual strength, you will bring your best efforts to solve the problem.

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Two of Swords - Reversed
In the Crown position
Two of Swords - Reversed
Can be viewed as a message from the "higher self." It can also reflect the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning: Be aware of ignoring the situation for too long. Pretending it isn't there won't make it go away.

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Three of Cups
In the Behind position
Three of Cups
Represents past events and influences that color and give rise to the current situation.

Meaning: You are surrounded by those who give you happiness. Remember to acknowledge and appreciate them. Take time to celebrate with others the simple joys of being alive.

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Ace of Swords
In the Before position
Ace of Swords
Represents what is likely to happen next.

Meaning: You have the gift of thought. Use it rightly, to see the world clearly, to communicate well, and create a happy, healthy reality.

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The Chariot
In the Self position
The Chariot
Indicates the querent's psychological state and attitudes which can greatly affect the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: The message of The Chariot is one of will power and control. Recognize your own strength and ability to maintain order and control in the midst of chaos. Know that you can achieve more than you think you can. Celebrate your accomplishments.

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Ten of Cups
In the House position
Ten of Cups
Represents the querent's environment and unseen forces influencing the situation.

Meaning: You have created a happy home life. It is full of satisfying activities and comforts. This moment is the epitome of domestic bliss. Enjoy it.

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Six of Swords - Reversed
In the Hopes position
Six of Swords - Reversed
Indicates the hopes and fears of the querent.

Meaning: Be aware of over-analyzing. Our ancient instincts exist as a defense mechanism. Although probably not as often now, there are times when fleeing a dangerous situation is the right thing to do.

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The Hermit - Reversed
In the Outcome position
The Hermit - Reversed
Indicates the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: Be aware of withdrawing too long or for the wrong reasons. Withdrawing from life out of fear or to avoid personal responsibility is not the same as self-examination.

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About the Deck
Gilded Tarot Royale
By: Ciro Marchetti, Barbara Moore

One of Llewellyn's bestselling tarot decks has been updated with brilliantly refreshed artwork. With borderless cards, richer colors, and stylish design improvements, the deck retains its powerful readability with a more contemporary look to engage its many fans and new users alike. Following the RWS style and abounding with medieval magicians, priestesses, emperors, and knights, the Gilded Tarot Royale will continue to inspire tarot readers for years to come.

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