A "World Order" is the overall structure of the intergovernmental networks of governance, the integration of national and regional economies, the role of international law, the play of communication, and the inter-relationships of the dominant cultures. When the existing order is dysfunctional, threatening to tear apart, a new order must replace the old. The current movement towards a new world order is seen by some as a continuation of the “new order for the ages” expressed in Novus Ordo Seclorum, which while forming part of the Great Seal of the United States is not limited historically or in concept to the United States. Thus, a "new world order" or a "new order for the ages" is perceived as evolutionary rather than limited to any previous or current governmental or economic system. The New World Order must address the contemporary issues of religious conflict, a requirement for secular education, freedom from theocracy, dependence on natural resources, populism, a failing financial system and a failed monetary system, the need for international law and its enforcement outside of any nationalist base, an anti-productive and class biased tax system, an antiquated health system, and many other derivative failures.