Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

The Aura

An interesting law of science is that wherever there is an electrical current there is a concomitant magnetic field. The human body is filled with electricity, especially in the nerves and muscles. It follows, therefore, that there is a field or emanation of magnetic radiation about the body. Of course, magnetism and electricity are both part of the same thing, known as the electromagnetic spectrum. Its basis is vibrating energy, and light, sound and radio waves are all part of this spectrum. The mentioned emanation around the body must be considered to be electromagnetic. It is detectable by such devices as a magnetometer and a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) meter. This energy may provide a scientific explanation of the phenomenon known as the aura.

The aura, occultists believe, extends from just above the surface of the skin out to infinity. It becomes more and more ethereal as it extends further from the body, and beyond about three feet even people who can see auras are not able to detect it. The area closest to the skin is said to relate to your physical well-being. Outside of this physical aura is the mental aura which relates to your state of mind. It could be called the psychological aura. The third part of the aura is the spiritual element. It relates to your spiritual advancement and is further away from the body than is the mental aura. Actually, all three are said to interrelate and overlap according to those who see auras. The chakras, several spinning wheels of vivid color in the aura in front of the body, are also said to be visible.

Yes, auras can be seen by anybody who wants to train himself or herself to do so. In psychic development classes, aura vision is always one of the favorite topics.

Don’t buy expensive devices that are supposed to let you see the aura! It’s not that they don’t work. Some do. They’re just not needed.

Here is an easy way to develop aura vision. Obtain a sheet of black construction paper. It should be about the size of a piece of typing paper and should not be shiny. In dim light, hold the paper a few inches below one of your hands. The hand above the paper should have the fingers spread. Now, here is the trick to seeing the aura around the hand:

Don’t look at your hand. Look at the black paper beyond your hand. It may be necessary to adjust the distance between the paper and your hand or the brightness of the light. In a short time you should begin to see a haze or glow around your fingers. It is generally seen as being white or silver, although it is sometimes seen as gray or gold. Once you have seen this "rim aura," focus your attention on how it feels in your eyes and your mind to see it. After awhile, this feeling will become natural and you will be able to see auras easily. Practice with this technique will lead to eventually seeing the colors of the aura.

Don’t feel bad, however, if you never see the colors of the aura. Some very good aura readers never do "see" the colors. Instead they inwardly "sense" what the color or colors of the aura are and can make good use of the information. Whether you sense or see the aura is unimportant What is important is what you do with the information. There are several books which can be guides in this, but they do have some differences from each other. This is very understandable.

Your eyes do not see color. All they do is pick up vibrating energy and convert that into another form of energy which is sent along the optic nerve to the brain. There, the mind interprets the vibration which had come into the eye. How you see something is determined, therefore, by the mind. Perhaps in someone’s mind the color seen as red is what you would see as blue. But, by convention, it is called by everyone as red.

How you interpret the colors of the aura is up to you. Start by observing. If something feels depressed, what does their aura look like to you? What does a person’s aura look like when he or she is happy? In this manner you can very rapidly develop your own "book" on the meaning of the colors of the aura, a book which will be correct for you and perhaps incorrect for everyone else in the world.

Remember, too, that each person’s aura is individual and unique. Perhaps someone’s aura has a natural red tint. Seeing red in the person’s aura would then mean that the person was in a normal state. Seeing blue there would imply that something is different.
See also:  Psychic Powers
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