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Posted Under Magic & Ritual

Thought Power: Making and Using Thought Forms

Magical Items

I want you to know right from the beginning that this is blatant pitch to get you to buy a special book. When marketing people suggested that I use my editorial space as a "bully pulpit" to do just that, I resisted the idea, but this book is too important and potentially too valuable to you for me not to make this extra effort. This book can give you:

  1. One of the most powerful techniques to change your life and bring you enormous practical benefits
  2. One of the most powerful techniques to transform your life and bring enormous spiritual benefits
  3. The discipline to accomplish almost anything you can dream of

Think of your favorite dessert. You saw an image of it. That's a thought form, and if you are salivating for that dessert now you realize how powerful it is. But that's insignificant in comparison to the power of a well-constructed magical thought form and it is that skill that will bring you the three benefits listed above. All action starts with a thought form, but most thought is ineffective because it lacks the conscious technique and intentional discipline taught in this book.

This book, The Magical Use of Thought Forms, is sub-titled A Proven System of Mental & Spiritual Empowerment. It is not merely a book "about" seemingly miraculous power, but a detailed course of instruction with training exercises that is extraordinarily enjoyable to read and easy to put into practice. You can call what is taught here any number of terms, but I prefer to call it "magick" because that very word stirs the imagination and it is with a disciplined imagination that the human mind is brought to full power.

In simply reading this book you will learn many things:

  • How to use a magical mirror to double the power of desire, the first step in building a magical pyramid, followed by Imagination, Visualization, and Organization
  • The Importance of Pineal Gland
  • How to create an effective Astral Body
  • How to create an astral assistant
  • How to build "God" Forms
  • How to construct and use a unique Memory Palace
  • The real secret to "Drawing Down the Moon"
  • How to create a Household Guardian
  • How to work with your Guardian Angel

It includes many more practical matters once held to be "occult secrets" too powerful for any but initiates to know. But these matters are too important for your growth, survival, and spiritual development to remain secret. Some of them have been published elsewhere, but here you have it from two authors who are trained initiates able to give the important exercises to actually train you and develop these skills. It takes work to become a magician, but being a magician is exactly what you are here to do.

You will learn about the true nature of reality as perceived both through the Ancient Wisdom and Modern Quantum Physics. You will learn all about the Astral Plane, and how important it is to everything that manifests in the Material World in which we live.

  • The Astral Plane is Key to Magical Results.
  • The Astral Plane is the Foundation of the Physical Universe.
  • The Astral Plane is the Imagination of the Universe.
  • The Astral Plane includes the Manipulation of Thought Forms.

You will be trained in the building of Occult Forms, and you will gain understanding of how they function and interact, how they can gain strength and endure or how they can be erased when no longer needed. You will access special instruction in the use of the Hebrew letters to draw upon their inherent power and meaning from their long-established magical usage. You will understand the nature and use of prayer. You will learn about Astral Guardians and their use. You will be taught to construct, and guard, an Inner Temple for your true magical work. You will be given an actual ritual to create a Golem and the HTML code to create web pages with which to experience the concept of cyberspace. And you will be given a series of exercises that will transform all your reading and study into practical and workable skills you can employ anytime anywhere.

You Will Be Empowered!
That's the point I want to make. This is not a book "about" magick, nor is it a book that requires a lifetime of work for results. This is a Llewellyn Magickal Arts Book that I personally endorse. Use it, follow the instructions and practice the exercises, and you will gain expertise in the building of magical thought forms and learn how to use them.

— Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, President & Publisher

About Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (Minnesota) was the owner and chairman of Llewellyn Worldwide, the world's oldest and largest metaphysical publisher. He played a seminal role in the rise of Wicca and Neo-Paganism in the 1960s and ...

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